We'll Find Her

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The Reagan living room was somber as the family wondered what to do. They had all been informed about the situation, Eddie being almost as pissed as Danny. They all stared at the floor, blank expressions on their faces.
"What do we do?" Erin asked quietly, looking at her brother who was pacing.
"Did TARU trace her phone?" Jamie wondered.
"She has her location services turned off." Jack told his Uncle. "We all do."
"There has to be something we can do!" Eddie lamented.
"But what?"
She paused for a second. "Serial numbers! On every phone and computer, there's a serial number. We can trace that."
"That only works if you're trying to find some damming evidence. Not a missing person." Henry informed her, watching her face fall.
The air was filled with silence again; suddenly, there was a loud 'bam!', and everyone looked up to see Danny with his hand in the wall.
"Sorry, sorry. Just some.... pent up frustration."
"Where'd your hand go?" Erin wondered, walking up to him.
"It's uh, it appears to be stuck."
"Oh my gosh!" Eddie stood and walked over to the detective. "Is it okay?"
"Nothing's okay," he answered quietly, shifting his gaze to the floor.
"Can- can you maybe twist it?" She wondered, walking under his arm.
"Maybe." He painfully twisted his hand, getting out with a groan of pain. Eddie and Erin looked at Danny's bloody knuckles, each frowning.
"Come on," Eddie took his wrist, "I can fix this."
"Sorry 'bout...." Danny let his sentence hang in the air.
"It's okay. We'll stick a picture there." Henry smiled, trying to get his grandson to smile.
Eddie turned the cold water tab on in the sink, then stuck Danny's hand underneath it. "Can you move it?"
Danny painfully flexed his fingers, "yeah. Just sore."
She nodded and dapped the wet fist with a towel. Quietly, she retrieved the first aid kit, looking through it as Danny held the towel to his hand.
"You know how to bandage it?"
"Can't be that hard." She shrugged and gently removed the towel. She put one end of the gauze on his knuckles, then started wrapping his wrist.
"I should've been watching her better." Danny said quietly, staring at his knuckle.
"It wasn't your fault."
"I should've updated the locks or the security system or something."
"Danny, there's nothing you could've or should've done. We're gonna find her, I know it. And we're gonna do it quick."
"How do you know?" Danny hated how he could feel the unshed tears sting his eyes.
"Cause it's true love! It doesn't happen every day," Eddie put a piece of tape on the gauze. "You gave the officers a photo, right?"
"That'll definitely speed up the process." She hugged her brother in law, "We'll find her. I know we will."
Danny nodded, and hugged her back. "Thanks," he pulled back.
"No problem." They walked back to the family room, and resumed their positions.
Danny continued to pace, needing something to keep him busy. He didn't need his mind harping on the thoughts that were going through his head. Is she okay? Is she hurt? Alive? Dead? Will I get to her fast enough? What if I don't? What if I'm too late? Will there be more scars on her? Will she sink deeper into her depression? Will she-
"Texts!" Jamie exclaimed suddenly.

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