Following the Pro inside the building everyone took in every moment of it. From the outside the building looked gigantic! But from the inside; there were no words! It was big enough to practically fit two whole theme parks in it and a museum. Plants of all kinds lined the bottom of the walls, giving it a aesthetic, nature like touch.

"You can call it; U.S.J!" You could physically feel your face brightening at this experience, never did you ever think you would be able to be in such a training facility, let alone in Thirteen's Training facility!

Thirteen went on to explain how quirks can also be able/used to kill, out of everyone in the room at the moment, you were the one to understand that the most. Taking a deep breath before Aizawa said, "Alright... Let's begin."

Everyone took no more than one step before the lights started to burst, sending glass shattering over the floor, rendering everyone unable able to see. "Who turned out the lights?" Jiro questioned.

"Revelry in the dark...?" Bird Head commented his stoic voice, never wavering. 

Walking over to your homeroom teacher, your thermal vision making it easy not to bump into anything while everyone kept apologising to each other. "Mr. Aizawa, I'm picking up rapid vibrations in the air." all seriousness in your voice, before he could say anything more, at the foot of the fountain a wall of what seemed to be raging flame appeared showering over the floor, producing some form of light, the only light at the moment. 

"What's going on?" Mina questioned.

A hand appearing from the dark flame, it pulled it back like a curtain revealing a horrifyingly ugly, face with a blue hand covering most of the dead, dry skin. Without seeing much more, Aizawa pushed you behind him as he put on his goggles. 

That's when you knew. He was serious. Understanding what he meant you backed away, but instead of joining the others you jumped over the railing of the gigantic stair case, falling through the thick canopy of leaves you landed in one of the trees for cover as you watched from a safe distance, thankfully it was almost like a jungle or forest making you feel more in your element.

The only good thing in this moment is the back up generators coming on, sending a tiny, almost pathetic wave of relief over everyone. Staring wide eyed at the situation, the reality of it flooding in. Villains. People who have killed and won't hesitate to do it again are standing in the same room as a bunch of kids. You were sure everyone was feeling the same aching feeling in their stomachs as you, that sinking feeling as if you were drowning in your own fear with no end.

Taking a humanoid form, the smoke stood beside who you presumed to be the leader of the bunch. Spying from the tree, looking into the horrid eyes of the villains, only then did you realise. Heroes have to face this every day. Have this feeling every day. This nagging thought at the back of your mind that you were going to die that day, that grew ever stronger the longer they were there. It was almost unbearable.

A swarm of villains came through the flaming portal, before much else could happen Aizawa jumped down the thousand stairs, holding back the flood on enemies. Turning your attention to your classmates as they ran for the exit, being escorted by Thirteen.

Looking on in worry as the purple, fire like smoke stopped their path to freedom. Surprisingly the villain didn't just start attacking but just stood their instead, probably talking to them. You were out of earshot as you hung onto the branches of the trees for support, just barely having a view of what's going on.

The smoke grew slightly bigger, that's when you notices thirteen was about to use her quirk to take it down. "YOU IDIOTS!" You shouted, within seconds turning your hair to snakes, finding stiff branches, using it like a sling shot and flew through the air in front of Bakugo and Kirishima.

Grabbing them with snakes gently you couldn't stop yourself from continuing your path over the staircase since you used so much power. 'Damnit! I'm starting to loose control...' without anymore time to think, before you could reach the opposite side of the staircase and land in the cover of trees, the area was swiftly developed in a strong, almost squeezing darkness.

Spitting you out, the bright light rendering you slightly blind before you realised you were now falling down. You back facing the floor as wind flew past you, your snakes flowing in your wake, still having a firm grip on Kirishima and Bakugo. 

Thinking fast you used the momentum of the snakes, flipping yourself around well you fell realising that inevitably you will land on a concrete office building. With the wind blowing in your face, you had trouble opening your eyes. As the doom drew near, you forced your arm to face the speeding wind, slapping the side of your face causing the lenses of your mask to lift up. 

Only a meter away from the deadly end of the fall, just before you could hit the roof the building turned to stone. making an X with your arms so they take more of the damage, you fell through the roof. Closing your eyes from debris, your body fell down multiple flights of stairs. 

Falling through approximately ten stories. Each time like a shock wave of piercing spikes stabbing your fore arms, then your biceps going to the shoulder, until you could feeling your own bones hitting your shoulder blades, chipping away at them each time. 

Thankfully each time you hit the levels, the speed of the fall slowed down. When it finally stopped, your arms have giving way falling to your side as you lay on your stomach motionless, your head to the side so you could breath. 

Your arms were limp, unable to move. Instead of being unable to feel them, you could feel every single stab, puncture, cut and bruise in your arms. each as bad as the other. 

"GET THEM!!" Having to keep your eyes close stopped you from realising all the enemies in the building, panting heavily you could feel the snakes attacking everyone on the floor, throwing them out of the windows, knocking them out. While the mayhem was happening the snakes on the boys wrapped around their whole bodies bringing them closer even if they were trying to break free. 

Your head was facing Bakugo as he was trying to wiggle out of the grip of the anaconda's while Kirishima was behind you. Trying to say in an array of coughs filled with blood, you told Bakugo. "Don't get up." 

You couldn't see how he reacted but you could feel that he stopped fighting against the snakes, once the floor was cleared they let go of the guys and returned back to you. You were thankful that the boys weren't hurt and were able to fight, but you could feel your own energy draining. 

The snakes turned back to hair, not wasting any more time and to reserve what little energy you had left. "Seems like that bastard had a warp related quirk." Bakugo stated, getting up as you heard his foot steps walk closer to you before propping you up against a wall. 

"Splitting us up." Kirishima added, "So unmanly." Leaning the back of your head against the wall, you heard was seemed to be multiple foots steps like soldiers running closer.

Coughing up more blood, you could feel the cold liquid run down  your lips to your jaw line and drip off. A gentle touch was felt just under your lips as something wiped away the red streak, something warm and soft.

With a shaky breath, "...More's... coming..."

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