Chapter Seventy-Nine: "Bumps, Volleys, Strikes, Yikes!"

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Chapter Seventy-Nine: "Bumps, Volleys, Strikes, Yikes!"

"JESUS, I CAN'T believe that just happened." Carly sighs. "Brooklyn, girl, you have bad luck."

I give her an unimpressed face. "Really?" I say sarcastically as Maya wraps the final round of bandages around my knuckles. "I didn't know that. I just thought that everything is a coincidence and somehow I'm in a fairy tale and my fairy stupid godmother will come and save the day and drop a house onto Stacy and Taylor's faces!"

I squeeze my hand, making sure it can still move and hop off of the beach chair I was forced to sit in. "Wow, I've never wrapped so professionally in my life!" Maya exclaims cheerfully.

"I've seen better," Casey smirks.

"Hey!" Maya hisses, "If that seagull didn't poop all over the majority of the open package then it wouldn't have been so sloppy! It was just stress wrapping so the seagull wouldn't destroy the rest of it. It exists, you know."

"I'm sure it does," he chuckles.

"Are you okay for the game?" Landon asks, rubbing my hips as he pushes me to stand in front of him.

"Yes, I'm okay. They don't hurt at all. Besides, I definitely don't regret it." I reply honestly.

No regrets, not a care in the world. Stacy deserved it. She deserves more than just a facial and boob beating. She's just lucky I didn't leave her a black eye this time because I know that I'll get disqualified, even though it wasn't on the court. It's on a school trip, and the last thing I need is more trouble.

"I'm glad," he smiles, "you're okay and that's all that matters to me."

I step forward so his head is resting against my stomach and wrap my arms around his neck to give him a hug. "I know. Thank you."

"I swear, if that girl somehow manages to hack the game and ruin our chances of winning, I am going to be so crazy-mad!" Becca mutters.

"I wouldn't peg it against her," I say, warming up to Landon's fingers tracing circles on my skin. "Bitch is crazy."

"Let's not let her ruin this trip for us, guys!" Becca peeps. "We came here to have fun, kick ass, and meet Brookie's friends."

"I agree with the button-nosed girl!" Casey huffs. "From now on, Stacy doesn't exist until we see her."

"Good enough for me." I mutter.


We lost our first two games, but won the last three after that.

I'm not sure what it was, but I certainly think that it was my fault. I missed the easiest things, and failed on numerous serves. It's not common for me to miss my coordination, but the team knew something was up when they saw the frustration on my face every time I messed up.

"Brooklyn, relax! We're heading to semi-finals, don't be so upset over it." Maya says, rubbing my shoulder then harshly rubs her hand against my hair, messing it up.

She is right; irregardless of how bad I was, we made it to the top four and I can't complain much about that. The girls kept us alive on the court and they had my back when I didn't.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for a nap." Becca sighs, rubbing her wrists. She's an amazing spiker, hence why she has a lot of bruises on her hands from the ball.

Carly joins us after talking to the coach, and grins. "Guys, you would never guess what just happened!"

I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head.

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