"This is now how it works, Elsie! I mean, this is how it works, but nevermind! So, I think you should take a seat because honestly, almost fainted and I'm sure you will too."

"Anna, I'm perfectly fine where I am."

"Let me finish, okay? You remember Cassandra, right? She was like the love of your life about two years ago." Elsa opened her mouth to speak, but then quickly closed it, because Anna gave her no chance to talk. "Of course you do! So, I was doing my daily stuff, and I walked around the village, just buying me some chocolate and other things. Well, it was mostly chocolate. Do you want some?"

"Is that why you came here?" She asked, covering her mouth to hold back a small laugh.

"No, of course not, I just thought I'd ask!" She cleared her throat and fixed her dress, trying to look as royal as possible. "So I was in the chocolate shop, and you won't guess who I saw!"

"Umm, a snowgie?"

"No, it was Cassandra. She's alive, but she lost all of her memories because something bad happened to her. She came to Arendelle because she claims to hear a voice, so you must take her to Ahtohallan to find out who did this to her and help her regain her memories because honestly, she's in terrible shape!"

Elsa sighed and shook her head. Just when she's about to accept her former lover's death, Anna shows up to open the wounds that are still covering her broken heart. "This is a bad joke." But Anna took a deep breath and gestured towards a tree, a person emerging from behind it like a ghost. Elsa's mouth hanged open, blue eyes widening as she recognised Cassandra's grey eyes, black hair and tall, muscular body. Even if she's different now, she still looks like a goddess. But that doesn't mean the sight is not shattering Elsa's heart into million pieces. "This is not a joke." She whispered, her whole body trembling as her emotions are taking control of her. She could the tears forming in her eyes, not dropping but flowing like a river down on her slightly freckled cheeks.

Cassandra walked closer to her with shaking legs and stopped in front of her. She's here, and she's real, with only a few very little difference. Elsa remembered her being taller and her skin brighter. But despite that, she's still Cassandra, the woman she still loves. "Are you Elsa?" The older woman asked, nervously rubbing her neck.

But Elsa still couldn't believe it. She spent years mourning, and now she just shows up out of nowhere, and that's all she says. The Fifth Spirit imagines meeting her again multiple times. But in her imagination, it was never like this. "That's all you can say?" She whispered as more tears came. "After everything we've been through, you can't say anything else?" Cassandra didn't answer, just stared at her with a blank expression. But now Elsa knew: this Cassandra is not the person she fell in love with.

Without saying anything else, Elsa pushed the princess away and ran into the woods. As soon as she reached a certain distance, she allowed herself to cry. But even if the new Cassandra isn't the same person as before, deep inside, there's still some humanity left in her. No one could stop her from following Elsa into the forest. She wasn't violent about it, no. But if she made a mistake and that's the reason she's here, then she's sure as hell to make it right.

She carefully approached the crying blonde, amazed by her beauty. Elsa's sitting an old, dry tree trunk with her head buried in her palms. It broke Cassandra's heart to see someone crying because of her. She slowly sat down next to the younger woman, waiting for her to push the princess was. "I'm sorry." She said softly and swallowed. "I don't know what I did to you, but you probably have a good reason to hate me."

Eyes red from crying, Elsa lifted her gaze, and her orbs met with Cassandra's grey ones. Her chin trembled, searching for "I don't hate you. I-I just...you died!" She claimed, her voice cracking as she spoke. An unknown feeling wanted Cass to wipe away the tears rolling down the Spirit's cheek but found it more respectful to just leave them be.

My Dear Queen (Elsa X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now