So therefore; she held in her mental torment.

"Linny," Addy whispered, and the archer listened carefully. "we need to plan our escape somehow and at some point, no matter the cost, alright?"

Linnett was a little worried at the 'no matter the cost' part, but other than that she understood.

"You in?" Addy wondered. And Linnett gave a short sharp nod.

Linnett followed Addy into what seemed like a weird metal drain tunnel of sorts, the entrance being covered in drapes of cloth. It was very dark inside, as they were both unable to see. But, she followed the sound of Addy's footsteps, not wanting to be left behind. She felt like a child trying to keep up with her mother in a crowd of strangers.

Eventually Addy found a light, which lit up the room a bit with a very bright red. Linnett found it to be very eerie, and was severely uncomfortable now. She didn't like it in there, and hoped Addy would want to leave soon.

And that's when they both saw an assortment of hanging knives of many types, they couldn't tell whether they were bloody, or clean.

"Oh my..." Linnett couldn't even finish her sentence, as she held her hands close to her mouth. Now she was really trying her best not to panic.

And then came the blood saw, and other items similar. Addy seemed just as disgusted, so much so, she hardly had a reaction. She almost seemed to be stone cold in shock, as they both continued to walk through slowly and carefully.

"I hope we're not eating dog..." Addy shook her head. "... God."

The moment she uncovered what was underneath what used to be a white sheet, that laid on the table. Addy gasped loudly, as human legs draped there. One foot cut off, the other spared. And the person who owned that body seemed to be still alive, as they began to mumble and squirm.

Linnett was in so much shock, she couldn't make a single peep. That was the thing about her, when she's completely terrified she's more silent than anything. She only makes a peep if you put her through physical pain. And so therefore, she was as quiet as a statue, as her face said it all. Complete and utter terror.

Addy uncovered the head, as a man tried sitting up, his mouth sewn shut as he mumbled out like he was begging for either Mercy or help. And the red-head covered her mouth and muzzled her screams.

She then went over to a curtain and opened it, only to show multiple men hung and tied up. As they all mumbled loudly, and wiggled like worms. Multiple parts of their bodies cut off, and hooked to IV drops.

Addy instantly began to run out, only to realize that Linnett had yet to move a single inch. The poor archer had been so stricken with fear, she felt paralyzed. And now she knew exactly why she didn't trust that piece of meat earlier on that plate. She did her best to keep the vomit down.

The red-head chose to be brave again, as she ran back and grabbed Linnett by the forearm and dragged her along. Though, her legs were moving fast, so it wasn't hard to. And soon, they were out, back in daylight and fresh air.

But once they were out, Addy had let Linnett go knowing she wasn't stuck inside the horror that was that tube tunnel. But she didn't go far, as the red-head ran into the arms of Tobias. The ill-stricken man smirked as he chuckled darkly, as Addy began to sob. Meanwhile, the archer continued to hold her hands near her face, balling her hands tightly into fists and releasing. Repeating that motion over and over again. Not knowing how to feel or what to think.

Too much fear and shock was fogging up her brain like pure novocaine.

"Supper's ready!" Tobias hollered out, for all to hear.

Gen Z \\ 10K [Z Nation] [Seasons 1 - 5]Where stories live. Discover now