Chapter 50: First Kiss

Start from the beginning

"Uh, I- Oh God..." Ranmaru facepalmed hard, shaking his head, and Natsuki was starting to worry even more. "You know what? Gimme a bit, Natsuki." Natsuki slowly nodded and Ranmaru stormed over to the door to Reiji and Natsuki's shared bedroom and much to his pure shock, started banging on the wooden surface with his fist. "Reiji! Reiji, you fedora-loving sleepyhead! Wake up! We have a freaking emergency and we need all hands on deck for this one, so get out of bed before I drag you out of there myself!"

"Maru-chan," Natsuki began, his worry amplifying with his heartbeat, "it's okay to let Rei-Rei sleep-"

"No, it's not!" Ranmaru exclaimed, shooting Natsuki a look of disbelief as he strode over to the next door. "In fact, he ain't the only one who needs to be awake for this." He started banging on the door and this time, it was even louder than earlier. "Oi, ice prick! You ain't gettin' any more beauty in your beauty sleep, so get up and over here right now!"

Ranmaru was about to head over to Ai's bedroom, only for the door to open and allow the teal-haired boy to step out into the commonplace, his eyes narrowed slightly. "Before you proceed to cause any more disruption, I have been awake for ten minutes doing my personal research when I heard you pounding your fist against other bedroom doors."

Ai turned and his face softened when he saw Natsuki.

"Good morning, Natsuki. Can either of you please explain why Ranmaru is being disruptive early in the morning?"

"You make it freaking sound like it was unneeded, but like I yelled, this is a freaking emergency and we need everyone in this crazy group for this!" Ranmaru exclaimed, glaring at Ai as two more bedroom doors opened, revealing a scowling Camus and a sleepy Reiji. Once everyone was gathered in the commonplace, Ranmaru scowled and spoke through gritted teeth.

"Now. Before any of you ask me what is freaking going on or try and lecture me, here's the train wreck. We have all been chosen to star in that romance drama we talked about yesterday and of all the people that they had to choose to do a kiss scene-" he jabbed a finger at Natsuki, whose eyes widened "- they picked the one person among the whole lot of us who has not had his first kiss before."

Reiji and Ai slowly widened their eyes in pure surprise and realization while Camus frowned deeply, and Ranmaru cursed, clenching his fist as he shook his head again.

"So now will you spare me the freaking lecture," Ranmaru demanded, his tone rising, "and help us prevent this from being a bloodshed of innocence?"

Ai Mikaze

Ai had not expected the morning to begin this way, but considering the lack of predictability of life, especially with this unconventional quintet, it could not be helped. However, despite initially being annoyed that his research had been audaciously disrupted by unprecedented yells and knocks on the other side of the wall, Ai understood why the early congregation was necessary. Romance was not something that could be learned merely by sifting through articles or books or conducting extensive research. The given definitions from the dictionaries sounded relatively simple, but were too vague and did not truly give an understanding that covered every aspect of the term itself.

Dates, kisses, flowers, serenades, flirting and all those other confusing topics...

Love... in the romantic aspect...

Ai would be dishonest if he said that he did not overheat upon being introduced to the various aspects of romance, especially when he was already uncertain and confused about his own emotions as it was back then. No matter how much he read up on the different kinds of dates, kisses and expressions of affection, the research materials only brought him more questions than answers. Therefore, he was absolutely certain that he, Reiji, Ranmaru and Camus were going to take quite the amount of time to teach Natsuki, who was 100% oblivious to how romance worked, the various aspects of the intricate theme. After everyone had woken up - with Reiji and Camus being abruptly jolted out of their sleep courtesy of Ranmaru - all five of them had prepared for the day by getting ready and having breakfast before gathering in the living room with the script downloaded in their respective mobile phones and cups of hot rose milk tea on the glass coffee table. 

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