Our little adventure .4

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Spencer's p.o.v

"Are you kidnapping me"? Harry asks as we run to his car.

"If I was kidnapping why would I be using your car"? I say.

"True". He says. I sit in the drivers seat and take his keys. "Where are going"?

"I like your voice. Your voice good". I say. He smirks. "So what's your story".

"Nothing really". He says scratching the top of his head awkwardly. "How about you"?

"I have a pretty normal life for a skater, Hippie, girly girl". I say.

"A what"? He asks.

"It's a thing don't question it". I say.

"How about this. How did you meet all of your friends"? Harry asks.

"Well I have known Rose my whole life. I met Val when she helped the school keep the art program which is like my favorite thing. She literally helped me protest. Elle and I met because of Louis who was my brothers friend. We bonded instantly. I met Kat at the skate park I go to. She just kind of showed up in our group. And then there's JaJa. She is like so cool. She is like cousins with Violet so she came to a party of Violet's and we made her come in to our group. All these are so popular and I feel like I'm the weird one who doesn't belong". I say. He bites his lip.

"I know that feeling. But I can tell you belong there you keep that group together. Notice how you met all those girls by your self". He says. "Plus you don't know what it's like to be weird".

"Thanks Harry". I say. "Your so sweet". He blushes and I grin. For a second it almost looks like his hat moved. I must be seeing things. We pull into the place.

"Where are we"? He asks.

"My aunts house". I say. I get out of the car and he follows. We go into the elevator and I listen to the song that's playing.

"I'll make love to you, like you want me to! And I'll hold you tight baby all through the night"! The voice sings. I see him look at me quickly then look away. The elevator on the top floor.

"Wow"! He says. He looks at all the flowers.

"It's like the only place that has this many flowers in the city". I say.

"It's brilliant"! He says.

"I know. What do you want to do"? I ask.

"You were the one who brought me here"... He says.

"Here let me turn on the radio"! I say. I turn on the radio and my favorite song comes on.

"Do you dance"? I ask. He shrugs. "You do now"! I put my hands around his his neck and I bring his hands to my waist.

"So honey now take me into your loving arms kiss me under the light of a thousand starts place your hand on my beating heart thinking out loud"! Ed's voice rings. The song comes to the end I look at him and smile.

"Attention everyone. We are making a new announcement. We want you to stay on the look out for hybrids. There was one spotted in Orlando and now we are searching for any hybrids. If you see one stay away because they are dangerous". The man says. "Sorry to interrupt your music". Harry pulls away quickly.

"I should probably go my mum is most likely worried sick". He says quickly.

"Okay we can hang out again some other time". I say.

"Yeah maybe". He says pulling his beanie down more.

"Can you at least take my number"? I say.

"Of course". He says. I take a sharpie out of my pocket. I have to paper so I write it on his wrist.

"Okay I'll drive you home". He says.

"No I'm staying here for he night". I say.

"Okay goodbye Spencer". I say. I wave and he waves and it looks like he frowned.

Did I say something.

Or am I just falling?

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