Running for my life. 31

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Harry's p.o.v
My eyes sting from the tears, or maybe from the wind that's blowing in my face. Or both. I need to get away if I ever want to see Spencer again.
I am currently sprinting down the road. My eyes must have the slit pupils and my teeth have probably sharp. If I get caught there is no way of getting out of this one. I then hear police sirens and I look back and see two cars speeding towards me.

"God Damnit"! I mumble. I try to run faster but the cars speed up. I see a fire escape and jump grabbing on to the ladder. I climb as quick as I can I get to the top and catch my breath. Suddenly I hear a horrible noise and look up.
I see a helicopter circling above my head. I stare at it with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open. I am completely frozen.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP"! Someone yells from the helicopter. I slowly put my hands up and stare at them. Then all of a sudden I feel a net launch over me. It pulls me up from the ground. I struggle trying to get out but it's too strong. Finally I feel my self hitting the cold hard ground. The net gets yanked off of me and I look around and see I'm in the helicopter. I see some people taking pictures of me and some pointing guns at me. I see a man with dark brown hair walking towards me he is in a lab coat and has a needle. I
get up quickly and back away. He grabs my arm.

"Don't touch me"! I growl at the man and I slap the needle out of his hand and out the door.

I would've loved to say that I stayed brave in that entire situation but it's when I saw name tag on his coat. It says Spencer's last name.

"Spencer"? I whisper. He slams me against the wall and stabs another needle in my arm. I start to feel instantly sleepy. I pass out and black out quickly. The last thing on my mind is a tear running down Spencer's face when I left.

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