The exes.22

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Ashton's p.o.v

I sit at my desk just as the rest of the class leaves. JaJa didn't come to music class today.

"Kat could you come here"? I ask just as she walks out the door.

"What did I do this time"? She asks.

"Nothing I am just wondering where is JaJa"? I ask.

"Why so you can shove your tongue down her throat". She says.

"No that's not why. Don't talk to me like that I am your teacher. I need to know because she has homework". I say.

"Fine. She ditched class today because she is seeing her boy friend Chad". Kat says. My mouth falls open a little and I feel like I was slapped across the face.

"Okay thank you Kat that's all I needed to know". I say.

"Sorry for what I said Mr. Irwin you seem like a cool teacher". She says and then she leaves the room.
JaJa got a new boyfriend. She is cheating on me. Although I did kind of break up with her. But she finally realized that she can't date an old man like me. No one probably will once this rumor spreads through town.
For the rest of the day I feel spaced out and I can't focus on anything. By the end of the day I feel like I need a drink. I drive to the bar and sit down alone at the counter. I order my drink and as I wait I see someone sit next to me.

"Oh my god Ashton"? A girl says. I turn and see its my ex girlfriend Susan.

"Susan"?! I say with a small smile. I remember I broke up with her because she was dating Michael behind my back for a small period of time. She was one of the best girlfriends I had ever had... other then JaJa.

"This is such a coincidence! What have you been up to"? She asks.

"Oh I got a job as a teacher. Plus I'm still in the band". I say.

"That's amazing I'm so happy that your happy"! She says.

"What are you doing"? I ask.

"Oh I work at the mall at forever 21". She says. "Not as good as a job as you".

"It's doesn't pay very well to be honest". I say. "But I didn't come here to talk about money I came here to get drunk so would you like to join me".

"Why of course". She says.

After about five shots I can barely stand.


"You get drunk easily don't you"? She asks laughing like an idiot.


"Come on let's get you home". She says.

"Okayyyyyyyyyyyyy". I say. She helps me walk outside.

"You know what I should've never broken up with you. You are veryyyyy helpful and pretty"! I say. "But wait then I would've never met JaJa".

"JaJa"? She asks.

"My girlfriend... well ex girlfriend. We got into a fight". I say then I hiccup.

"Oh well she isn't worth it okay"? She says. Then I look up and I can't believe my eyes. I see JaJa riding piggyback on some guys back.


"Wow she looks young". Susan whispers to herself.

"JAJA"! I yell and I try to run over to her but then end up tripping and falling.

"Ash- Mr. Irwin"! JaJa says and she jumps off he guys back and helps me up. "Are you okay"?

"IM GRAND". I say.

"Woah how many have you had"? JaJa says.

"One or two or seven"? I say. I look at the confused boy to her right. "WHO IS THIS YOUNG CHAP".

"Uh this is Chad". JaJa says. Chad. Kat said that was her new boyfriend.


"Sorry sir but we are just friends". Chad says.

"Yeah right"! I say.

"Ashton come on your drunk". Susan says.


"We are strictly friends I promise". Chad says.

"JaJa come on tell me the truth when did you two start dating"? I ask.


"Oh". I say.

"Come on Ash lets get you home". Susan says and she pulls me along to her car. She shoves me in and buckles my buckle.
I am so stupid.

I wake up on Susan's couch feeling hungover. I look around see a note on the table.

I put you on the couch instead of on my bathroom floor. I'll be in the shower-
Susan xx

I crumble up the note and take out my phone and see a text from JaJa

We need to talk. Meet me at the coffee shop in an hour.

I get up and grab my coat.

"Where are you going"? Susan asks.

"I got a text from some one". I say.

"GeGe"? She asks with a disgusted look on her face.

"It's JaJa". I say. "And yes she wants to talk".

"She isn't the right girl for you. You need to date someone who doesn't treat you like shit". She says.

"If I remember correctly you cheated on me for my best friend sooo". I say.

"Whatever that was the past. And your in the future and you need me not some eight year old". She says.

"I love her. I love her with all my heart". I say then all of sudden Susan starts making out with me. I try to push away but she has a death grip.

"Did you forget JJ now"? She asks. I push her away.

"It's JaJa bitch". I say and I slam the door behind me.
I walk all the way to the coffee shop and walk in and see JaJa sitting alone. She looks up and makes eye contact with me. I direct my eyes towards the hallway. She gets up and walks over there and I do too. Once I get there she slaps me across the face.

"Why would think I was cheating on you, get drunk, then spend the night with some skank". She says.

"I'm sorry". I say. We both stare at each other for a minute.

"Whatever just kiss me". She says. I bring my lips to hers and kiss her pulling my fingers through her long hair.

"I missed that". I say.

"Me too Mr. Irwin". She says.

"Ashton". I say. "Just please call me Ashton".

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