Homecoming part 3. 28

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Spencer's p.o.v

Harry and I walk into the dance hand and hand. Honestly the two of us looked like celebrities. He had a black hat on too match his outfit. He told me he wished he didn't have to wear a hat but he knew he had to. That's just how it is because people in this world can't accept Hybrids. Which I don't understand why. I think hybrids are so cool and I wish I was one but I guess since they are different that's the reason. Our world can't handle different.

"You look lovely". Harry says breaking me from my daze. I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

"Thank you Harry you look dashing also". I say.

"You looked worried". He says. "Just a moment ago when you were thinking".

"Oh um I'm not just thinking about... Which house will be sleeping over at tonight". I say quickly.

"One we are sleeping at my house and two I know that's now what you were thinking about". He says. He knows me way too well.

"Okay fine truth is I'm worried about you. The hybrid police are on their way and I can't let you get captured". I say rambling on about it. He puts his finger on my mouth.

"That's not going to happen love". He says. I smile.

"Okay". I say.

"Now let's dance and have a good time". He says taking my waist. I smile very big.

"Alright Mr. Styles". I say. We go out onto the dance floor and start dancing. He is slightly terrible at dancing and I can't stop laughing. He sees me laughing and tries to do better but it just makes it worse. Then I hear a slow song come on. He takes my waist again and I wrap my arms around his neck even though he is much taller then me. I put my head against his chest.

"I love you". He says into my hair.

"I love you too". I say smiling.

"No one has ever loved me like you do". He says.

"No one has been as perfect for me as you are. You were the missing piece I needed to complete me". I say.

"I don't know what I would do without you and"- he goes to say then someone bumps into him. His hat falls off his head.

"Oh my god"! Someone yells. "Hybrid"!

Harry pulls away from me quickly. All of a sudden his eyes have turned to cat eyes and his teeth are pointed slightly. People gasp and point.

" Harry is a hybrid"!? Louis yells slowly pushing Emily behind him.

"Everyone calm down he won't hurt anyone"! I say.

"What do you know your messed up in the head anyways". A guy named Dylen yells to me. I see Harry storm over to him and punch him in the face. Some people gasp others just watch in terror.

"Why must he be so protective"? I say under my breathe as I jog over to him.

"I'm call I got the cops"! Someone I don't know yells.

"NO"! I say. But they have already run off and I don't know where.

"Come on"! Harry says grabbing my wrist and running towards the hall. We run as fast as we can. I look back and see a few pepole chasing us. Then all of a sudden I see JaJa and Mr. Irwin run towards us hand and hand. I see a sweaty principal running behind them. We both just stare at each other. Then all of a sudden Liam runs in and grabs Harry's shirt and yanks him and me with him

"You two come too"! He says pointing to JaJa and Mr. Irwin. He opens the door to the supply closet and directs us all in. We run in and Liam slams the door.

"Why didn't they follow us"? JaJa asks.

"Rose is distracting them. But we only have ten minutes tops to think of a plan". Liam says.

"Your a"- Mr. Irwin says.

"Hybrid, yes. And your a teacher dating your student". Harry says. Then Mr. Irwin sneezes.

"Oh that explains the sneezing". He says.

"But you never had eyes like that"? JaJa asks.

"It happens when he gets sad or mad". I say. "And he is obviously pissed at the moment"!

"We don't have time for this! Mr. Irwin your going to have to go to your apartment and pack for a few days. Then go where no one will find you and by the time you come back it will be cleared over". Liam says. Mr. Irwin grabs JaJa's face in his hands and kisses her lips. It's strange seeing them kiss but it's almost like they were meant to be together.

"Harry you're going to have to get out of this town. As far away as you can. I don't know how long or if you'll ever come back but you need to get out. Spencer tell his family about him leaving". Liam says. Then Liam runs out the door probably to detract them.

"Oh my god". I say tearing up. He wipes his finger under my eye.

"Hey don't cry. I'll be back I promise. No matter what I have to do I will see you again". He says.

"Okay I'll miss you". I say still crying.

"I'll miss you too". He says. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. I kiss his lips and hold on for dear life because he could go and never comeback.

"Goodbye Harry". I say.

"Goodbye love". He says his eyes tearing up.

"We need to go". Ashton says. We both nod.

"See you soon". He whispers then the two run out the door.

"See you soon". I whisper to myself.

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