Homecoming part 1. 25

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Violet's p.o.v
"Okay so Violet where should I hang these streamers"? Niall asks me.

"Over there"! I say. He climbs up the ladder and starts to help me hang them. "Thanks so much for doing this Niall I thought that I would have to do this all by myself after the rest of the crew bailed".

"I can't believe they did that to you". He says. "I would never let you be alone".
I smile to myself.

"Sorry that sounded creepy". He says.

"No"! I say. "That was really sweet".

"How about this disco ball"? He asks. I point to a ladder.

"So Niall"? I ask. He stops half way up the ladder.

"So Violets". He says.

"We are going to this dance together right"? I ask. I start setting out cups next to the punch bowl.

"Well do you want to go with me"? He asks. "Because I'm kind of a loser".

"No you're not"! I say. "And yes I do want to go with you".

"That's amazing you actually do"? He says.

"Well yeah I kissed you". I say. "So I pretty much marked my territory".

"I'm glad you did because you're amazing Violet," he says smiling at me.

"Oh my god you're so sweet. Will you be my boyfriend"? I ask completely serious. His eyes widen and I see him fall back from the ladder and then slam into the ground.

"NIALL"! I yell and I run over to him. He starts sitting up.

"I'm good, we are good". He says. I can't help but giggle.

"Is that a yes"? I ask with a laugh.

"Yes it is". He says. I smile and blush, while looking down at him. "Violet can you help me up?" Niall looks at me with big puppy dog eyes. Giving Niall my hand, he smirks and pulls me down so I'm laying on top off him. He starts to laugh and then I follow and laugh my ridiculous laugh. This causes Niall to laugh even louder and we both continue that pattern for a good five minutes.

With bright red cheeks and watering eyes, Niall and I helped each other up and went back to decorating.

"I know homecoming is tonight, but I do need to match your dress. Can I see it or see a picture of it so I can wear something that will match with it? Oh I also ordered a corsage, just in hope that we were going together," Niall was blushing a bright, bright pink and I giggled just watching him.

"How about after this we run out to the mall and find you a tie and shirt. Then I will go get ready with the girls and you can go and get ready with the guys and do what ever you guys do," I suggested to him.

"That sounds perfect,"
After decorating the gym and a very entertaining shopping trip with Niall, I went to Camryn's house so we could all get ready. Walking in I see Spencer, JaJa, Elle, Kat, Rose, and Perrie running around the place. Everyone had hair and makeup mostly done and they all had their dresses on. Well, except JaJa, she was running around in just her bra and underwear.

I start to laugh, very loudly mind you, and immediately regret it. They all turn towards me and screech like a wild pack of baboons.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Rose shouts and in the blink of an eye I was being forced into a shower by these insane girls. Due everything I had to do before hand, I was an hour and a half later than I said I would be. Whoops.

After getting out of the shower, I'm plopped into a chair and Rose starts on my makeup.


"AFTER ROSE FINISHES PAINTING ON MY FACE!" I shout back and then get slapped because apparently I messed her up.
"Ladies! You're dates are here," I hear Mrs. Lafontaine yell from downstairs.

"Okay ladies, remain calm!" Kat says to us.

We all walk downstairs and see our boyfriends. Well, except JaJa. She's going with a boy in our grade named Chad since she doesn't have a boyfriend, but I swear he's almost too gay to function.

Niall walks over to me and takes my hand gently. "You look beautiful, princess."

"You look dashing Niall."

He kisses me on the cheek and I swear, I started blushing for the thousandth time that day. I stare at Niall for a minute and hear the sound of a camera clicking. "You two are just adorable together," Mrs. Lafontaine says to us.

We are all ushered outside her, where she snaps a few more group photos of us and then we are off. I'm happy that the boys didn't get a limo, like guys in books do, because I think it's dumb unless it's prom.
One car ride with JaJa and Chad bursting into song later....

"Right this way, m'lady," Niall helps me out of the car. We walk up to the school and enter the dance. If I do say so myself, we did decorate this place pretty dang well.

"LET'S GO DANCE!" I shout to Niall over the blasting music. We run onto the dance floor and party the night away.

"Alright Ladies and Gents', it's time for our first slow dance of the night. So grab that special someone, boy, girl, teacher, I don't really care and go have a special dance."

"May I have this dance?" Niall asked looking nervous. We had both just been getting a sip of punch, because we had been really showing off our moves. Let's just say, not many people see this side of 'perfect, innocent Violet and Niall'. A lot of people were quite surprised, because I may or may not of started grinding on him.

"Of course," I say grinning at Niall. We walk out on to the dance floor and he takes me by my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and stare into his eyes.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?" I asked.

"I could say the same to you," I start to blush at his compliment. I place my head in the crook of his neck as we sway back and forth. "I love you." I hear him whisper so quietly that I almost didn't hear him. I lift my head back up at hearing this.

"I love you." I stare straight into his eyes as I say it. I don't think he was expecting me to say it back, bit I really do love him. I've known him for a long time, even if we never really talked too much before, but he just gives me these feelings that make my tummy get the butterflies and my head go blank. Geez, I've been reading too many fanfics.

After another minute or so the song changes quickly into Turn Down For What. Well that escalated quickly. I smirk at Niall and we just start going crazy and laughing our heads off together. At some point in time I started grinding on him again... wonder how that happened.

"Violet, I think we should leave. We can go back to my place, my parents aren't here for the whole weekend," Niall asks me looking nervous, yet hopeful. I grin and nod quickly.

Let's just say, neither of us should be considered 'innocent'.

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