Back to school.37

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Harry's p.o.v
I sip a cup of coffee and sigh knowing today would be the dreaded day that I have to go to school. But I'm honestly excited to see my friends again. I'm just not excited for them to see me as the real me. I see a new text from Spencer.

You'll be okay. We will be okay <3

I smile at her positivity. She'll get me through this.
It's been two days since the fight between my sister and Spencer. It was absolutely insane that my sister did that. It was most definitely uncalled for. I mean Spencer did nothing wrong.

I start to get ready and reach for my hat but that's when I remember I'm not hiding today. I style my hair nicely. I haven't done that in ages. I haven't done that really ever. I put on my Adidas swear pants with the hole for my tail. I throw on a t-shirt and some sneakers. It feels weird what I'm wearing, I mean I wear this around the house all the time but I'm going to school. I sigh and grab my back pack. I see my mom is still asleep so I just write her a quick note. I walk out to my car and drive to the school. I feel nervous. My palms are sweaty and my ears are twitching. I just don't want to be hurt. You can still see some of the scars and bruises on my arms and the 'Hybrid' carved into my back is quite painful. I still can't believe all that happened to me. I still can't believe I made it out alive. Spencer saved me though. I just hope all the other hybrids are okay. None of them deserved that. Not one. They are all people who have feelings. Just a little different that's all.

I park next to Spencer's van and I as soon as I shut the car off she gets out of hers. I roll down the window and she looks in. Her hair is in two braids. She is wearing shorts and green sweat shirt with black sneakers.

"How are you?" She asks looking concerned.

"I mean fine as I can be when I'm freaking terrified." I say and she frowns.

"Well, I know you are going to be okay! Plus today is the day we have almost all of our classes together!" She says with a smile and I smile back. "Plus! I think you're going to really like my shirt!"

She pulls off her sweat shirt and the shirt says, 'I love cats'. I begin to laugh and kiss her nose. She kisses me on the lips and rubs my ears like I love. I get out of the car and gently push her up against her van and kiss her. My tail sways back and fourth behind me and the fur on it blows in the wind. She smiles into the kiss and pulls away slightly but keeps her nose touching mine the slightest bit

"We should get to class Harry." She says with a laugh.

"Do we have to?" I ask her and she nods. I sigh feeling the nervousness come back. Though I know she is used to it and she says she loves it, I still get nervous even showing Spencer who I really am. So it's even worse having to show the entire high school. But she takes me hand and leads me into the doors of the school. I take and deep breathe and step in. As soon as I walk in it takes people about 5 seconds to notice.

Everyone's conversations come to stop and they all stare at me. Some people whisper an point. Spencer continues to walk, literally having to drag me down the hall way because I'm frozen. I see people who I talked to. I see Niall and Violet staring at me. They look freighted at first but then I see sympathy in their eyes. They must feel bad for all my judgement.

It all seems like it's going in slow motion even though we are going at an average pace. That's when someone throws a water bottle at the back of my head making me stumble slightly.

"FREAK!" I hear the thrower of the bottle yell. I see Liam from the other side of the hall run after the guy with his fist raised. I feel a little better knowing I have Liam to support me as well. We walk past Mr. Irwin's room and see the janitors taking off his name from the door. Did he quit? Was he fired. I haven't seen JaJa either? They must've gotten away. Lucky them.

"GET OUT OF OUR SCHOOL YOU MISTAKE!" Someone else yells.



"HYBRID HARRY!" Some one yells and that's when Spencer picks up the pace and we walk into the English class room. We sit in the back and that's when I put my head in my hands.

"Harry it's going to be okay-"

"No it's not! Now no one will be able to look at me with out thinking I'm a freak!" I snap. She looks at me with a hurt a look on her face. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She says. "But it doesn't matter what they think. Because it's not like you were never not a hybrid, you have been the whole time. So if people stop liking you after this then that's totally irrational."

I smile and take her hand.

"You're so good with words. You know that right?" I ask.

"Well duh." She says. That's when the bell rings and people start to flood in. They all gravitate towards the front. A girl walks in and sees the only table left is the one near me. She walks over to the teacher and points to the desk. From what I can see, she is asking if she can sit somewhere else. The teacher nods and the girl takes the chair and drags it away table to a table up front. I frown.

"He isn't gonna hurt you or anything!" Spencer hisses and the girl turns around and glares at her. She then looks to me and is scared again and she scurries away.

"Stupid bitch." Spencer whispers under her breathe, probably not for me to hear.

Today is gonna be a long day.


Spencer and I walk into the cafeteria.

"I have to go get lunch I'll be right back." She says and she pecks a kiss on my cheek with a smile. I walk towards our table with all of our friends and I see them all except for Liam stare at me. They don't really say anything so I sit down.

"Go away." Louis says. I look at him surprised.

"Louis!" Elle yells at him. Louis pulls her close.

"Just go away. Maybe once day I'll be okay with this but not today. So go away." Louis says to me in a serious tone.

"Fine." I say feeling a out in my stomach. Everyone just looks at Louis surprised as I leave and sit in the small table that's alone in the dark corner. As I wait for Spencer I see some guys walking towards me. I don't know what to do so I sit still. That's when one of them yanks on my tail making me fall over. Not many people see what's going on because the tables so secluded.

I go to hell for help but the punch me in the face. Plus I can't fight back or they'll take me back in. So I have to just lay here and let them beat me up. I guess I knew I was gonna get beat up at least once today. I see a teacher look over and see what's going on. They don't do anything. Of course. Everyone hates hybrids.

"HEY STOP." Spencer yells running over. She shoves them away and helps me up.

"Girl are you insane!? He is a hybrid!" One of the guy yells.

"The names Spencer not girl! And I know he is hybrid! But he is a good hybrid! All of them are. So if you could kindly leave and get your facts straight that would be great! Go f....oh god." She yells at them. But when she finished she starts to sway back and fourth. Her eyes close and she falls to the ground. I catch her before she falls.

"Spencer!" I yell. I shake her shoulders but she doesn't do anything. She is out cold.

"Someone get the nurse!" I yell, my face still hurting from being punched. I look around and see no one doing anything. "Someone!"

No one is helping me. Just because of who I am. I pick her up even though she is dead weight right now. I run to the nurse.

What's wrong with Spencer?

Hybrid HarryWhere stories live. Discover now