Interrogation. 21

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Spencer's p.o.v

I lay in Harrys bed with my head resting on chest. His breaths move my hear up and down. I rub my hands behind his fluffy ears and smile.

"I love it when you do that". He whispers.

"I know". I whisper. He runs his hand through my hair.

"I love it when you do that". I say.

"I know". He says. I laugh a little.

"I'm so happy I met you". I say. "And I'm so happy you love me".

"I'm so happy you love me for who I am". He says. I hear the door open.

"Harry why did you use my toothbrush- oh sorry". She says. She looks at Harrys ears.

"So you know"? She asks.

"Yup". I say.

"And your good"? She asks.

"Yeah". I say.

"Have you seen the tail"? She asks.

"Okay bye Gemma". Harry says.

"Okay bye"! She says smiling and leaving.

"My family are creeps". He says. I laugh.

"Harry we should probably go to school". I say.

"We already missed an hour". He groans.

"I have a history test today so I can't miss it". I say.

"Okayyyy". He sighs.

"We can cuddle after school". I say and I get up. I walk out to my car and he follows me. He has, what I call, a farmers hat on now.

"I'll be looking forward to that all day". He says smiling.


I walk into school and see everyone standing in lines outside of the hallway.
I see Elle and Louis in line together. I jog over to them,

"What's going on"? I ask.

"Cops are here looking for those hybrids"! Louis says. "Now they are checking to see if any of us are hybrids".

"I'll see you guys later"! I say jogging away.

Harry's p.o.v

I look around really confused by all the people in line. I shrug and just keep walking down the hallway.

"Where do you think your are going"? A man asks me. I turn around and see some guy in a suit.

"Uh away from this area". I say.

"Fine then you get to go first"! He says.

"First for what"? He walks over and yanks me into a room.

"Hybrid testing". He says. I feel my stomach drop. My hands get instantly sweaty and I feel scared.

"Why-y do you need to do-o hybrid testing"? I ask.

"Because hybrids are dangerous things that need to be stopped"! He says.

"Why"? I ask.

"Because they are freaks". He says. That felt like someone reached inside my chest ripped my heart out and stomped on it. "So your name is Harry Styles and you just moved here from England".

"How did you know that"? I ask quite afraid.

"You have a shirt that says Harry Styles on it and you have a British accent". He says. I look down and see I'm wearing my fighting team shirt.

"Oh". I say.

"So I'll start the test now". He says and then he yanks out a giant duffle bag. He takes out a giant bone. "Are you in any way attracted to this"? I shake my head.
What does he think hybrids act like animals who can't control themsel-
Then he takes out a laser pointer.

"How about this". He says then he turns it on. He points it towards the ground and I have he worst urge to put my foot on top of it. Sadly I can never catch the laser. I try my hardest to resist the urge and he moves it around he room. I feel myself sweating bullets and breathing hard.

Spencer's p.o.v
I am running down the hallways when I run into someone. Rose's boyfriend Liam.

"Sorry Liam. Have you seen Harry"!? I ask. He looks worried.

"I was just looking for him I was hoping you knew". Liam says.

"Wait... do we both the same thing"? I ask.

"I don't know do we"? He asks. I make cat ears with my fingers. "Yes we do".

"Okay good so he is probably being interviewed so we have to make a distraction". I say.

"I have just the plan and I know it will work". Liam says.

Harry's p.o.v

I feel myself start to give in. Maybe it won't be so bad in a government testing facility. I mean.... free food?
Let's be honest it would be terrible and they would probably kill you. But the laser is driving me crazy. Its been 5 minutes but it feels like 5 hours. Then I hear a large bang outside. The man turns off the laser and I sigh of relief.

"What in the world was that"? He says. He opens the door and then I see it.

"IM A HYBRID TRY AND CATCH ME". Liam yells running down the hallway.

"OH MY GOD A HYBRID"! Spencer yells at the other end of the hallway. My interviewer runs out of the room after Liam. I run over to the mans list and check my name off. I then run out the door towards Spencer. I hug her and kiss her lips.

"Thank God your okay". She says.

"I almost didn't make it". I say. "He had a laser pointer". She starts to laugh at me and I smirk a little while trying to keep a straight face.

"We have to be more careful". She says.

"I'll be fine as long as I got you". I say.

(Foreshadowing ending...... BUT I FINALLY UPDATED YAY!!!! I'll be doing another JaJa and Ashton chapter next. HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL 3k THATS CRAZY THANK YOU SO MUCH! LOVE YOU BYE!!)

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