First day of senior year .2

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Harry's p.o.v

"Harry please get up you have to go to school"! My mum says.

"Why it's not like I'm human". I say with my head shoved in my pillow.

"Yes you are your just different. Different is good". She says. I roll out of bed. Different is not good. I walk into my bathroom and shut the door. I look in the mirror and sigh. My ears look extremely fuzzy today. Shit.
Where are my manners?! Hello I'm Harry! This isn't a very good way to meet but that's okay. You are probably wondering why I described my ears as fuzzy. Because I have cat ears right on the top of my ears. Oh and a tail.

No big deal.

It sucks really. Like I know how cool it must sound to be a hybrid. But it's not. I have to tuck my tail into my pants everyday (don't be so dirty) and wear a hat everyday. I brush my teeth and get dressed. I pull on my beanie flattening my ears. I hate doing that. I walk down stairs and see my sister drinking tea. She hands me a cup of tea.

"You ready for this"? Gemma says. I shrug. "I think you'll like this new town Harry".

"Probably not". I say.

"Maybe you'll find a girl friend"! She says.

"HA THATS FUNNY"! I say. I grab my school bag.

"I bet you fifty pounds that you'll find a girl friend". She says.

"You better start saving up". I say finishing the tea. She rolls her eyes and I wave good bye to her. I go out to my car. I drive to one of my few friends house. I see Zayn run out of his house. He has an evil grin on his face.

"You may want to drive quickly"! He says. I swirve out and drive away.

"What did you do this time"? I ask.

"Gave my sister an eyebrow job". He says laughing. I face-palm.

"Why must you torment them so"? I ask.

"Because it's funny". He says. "Hey kitten can I stay at your house tonight? I would hate to be yelled at today. I'm not in the mood". He says. He knows I'm a hybrid and he doesn't car

"Don't call me that". I say smirking. "And sure".

"Thank Jesus"! He says. "So I won't be in school till lunch I'm going to go see a a movie with Perrie". I smile. Him and Perrie have been going out for three years. I wish I could have a relationship like that. We pull into the school.

"Thanks for the ride kitten"! He says.

"Don't call me that"! I yell as he runs to Perries car. I roll my eyes and park. I look in the mirror quickly before I open the door and walk into the school.
I see all the new faces. I look around for my first class.

"Do you need help finding your class"?! A girl asks behind me. I jump and my ears stick up. I hope she doesn't see. I turn around and see she isn't reacting. She had blue eyes, long straight brown hair, kind of tan skin, and is wearing preppy clothes.

"Yes please where is writing"? I say.

"Oh I am heading near there now follow me"! She says. "Are you new"? I nod.

"Well I'm Violet senior class president, honor role student, captain of three sports teams. No biggy". She says.

And I'm Hybrid Harry nice to meet you!

"I'm Harry. Just Harry". I say.

"O.M. GOD YOUR BRITISH"! Violet says.

"Yes I moved here a month ago". I say.

"Okay well here so your class I'll talk to you later". She says. She skips away towards the stairs and I watch. I see a short blonde boy at the top of the stairs. He takes a step and I see this kid shove him. He falls down the stairs. And I mean every. single. step. I run over to him and help him up.

"Hey lad you okay"? I ask. He nods I see him wipe a tear from his face. "No you aren't".

"No I'm not". The boy says. "Ever since I moved here from Ireland for my study abroad I have been bullied and it's not fair".

"You know what just stick with me and I'll make sure your safe". I say patting his back. He grins really big.

"I'm Niall"! He says.

"Harry". I say.

"Well I'll find you at lunch Harry"! Niall says. He galavants down the hallway. At least I have made two friends. I walk into the class. I see it's a large room. I walk up to the teacher.

"Hi I'm new". I say.

"And I'm Mr. Chorwick. Now be quiet and sit"! He hisses at me.

"HER CHORDICK STOP BEING A DICK HEAD"! A girl in the front yells.

"That's a detention for you Kat"! He says.

"That's hilarious you think I'm going to show up"! She says. The girl has blonde hair with purple and pink streaks. She is thin and short. I smirk and walk to the very back. I sit at a desk alone. The teacher starts his lesson. I see a piece of string hanging from my bag and I play with it. I get pretty entertained.

"YOU IN THE BACK PAY ATTENTION"! The teacher says. A girl runs in with frizzy red hair. She has a long dress on, pale skin and brown eyes. She sits next to me. She sighs of relief.

"Spencer why are you late"? The teacher asks not even turning around. She closes her eyes.

"I'm sorry I had to go to the nurse". She says blushing.

"That's the second time this week". He says. "This is not tolerated".

"Hey she said she has to go to the nurse leave her alone"! I say. I can't believe I just said that. He looks taken aback. "Sir".

"Your lucky it's your first day boy and Spencer don't let this happen again"! He says. He turns around. I see her take out a piece of paper and write something.

Thank you.

Your welcome

What your name.

Harry. Harry Styles.

What are you James Bond?

Haha no just Harry.

I have a feeling your more then just Harry.

I smile. She has no idea.

(Sorry if this chapter sucked I just had to introduce a few new people! ENJOY!!!!)

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