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Spencer's P.O.V Earlier that day.

I walk down stairs physically and mentally preparing myself for today. I feel sacred for Harry. I don't want him to get hurt and I don't want him to be taken away. I just know how cruel people can be and especially to him.

I see the medication of mine sitting on the table. I remember my dad told me to start taking this when I was three. I don't really remember much before that. Which gets me thinking, maybe it's because of those pills. Maybe those pills have literally screwed up my life.

Stop it Spencer you're being a conspiracy theorist again.

But I don't know what to trust anymore. Not my dad that's for sure. I mean so much has changed. I fell in love with Harry, who just so happened to be a Hybrid. Found out my teacher and my best friend were dating. Plus I found out that my dad is totally being horrible to hybrids. I don't even know where my mom is. So I'm back to where I started. At my aunt and uncles apartment whilst they are on vacation.

So I throw the pills in the trash and walk out to my van. I start to drive and I decide to turn on the radio. The morning show blabs on about politics and I wait for a song to come one. 'One Dance' by Drake comes on and I bump my head up and down. I sing a long to it as I drive to school, still feeling nervous about today. The song ends and I smile.

Wait a second. 

I didn't say a color.

I didn't even see a color?

"How is this possible?" I say to myself. I smile a little but at the same time feel concerned, it shouldn't be this easy? Like a thing I have had my whole life shouldn't go away just like that. I mean maybe I'm panicking, I have been told by many I think too much. Maybe I should be happy? No. This is too odd. What did I do differently in these past few days?

Maybe it was the pills. That would make sense, I have taken those my whole life. I mean seeing the colors must have been a side effect from those pills. The question is, if that's what the pills caused, then what were they for? Because all this time I thought these pills were for my mental disease. Who knows.

But right now I need to worry about Harry. It's his first day and I don't want anything to go wrong. Let's hope he is okay. I mean I don't know why people couldn't accept him. I mean he has been like this all his life and people liked him. If people suddenly think he is a bad person because he took his hat off then they must be idiots. I just don't want anyone to hurt Harry, he is so kind and I know even he wanted to defend himself, he can't or my dad will just say he was being violent. So he is completely defenseless. As I pull into the school I wait for Harry to park in his usual spot next to me.

As I stand in the lunch line I look for Harry. This morning wasn't very good. Everyone just stood there and stared at him. I could tell he didn't like it, he felt like some sort of circus performer or something. And people said some mean things, some really mean things. I couldn't believe it. How could they say things to some one so nice? I mean I could understand to me I mean I can be a bitch sometimes when I'm defending people I care about but he has never done anything wrong.

People just suck I suppose. Yeah that's gotta be it. People just literally suck.

I look up and see everyone has sort of gotten quiet. Harry must have arrived.

He walks towards our old table and I feel my self get nervous. I wave trying to get Harry's attention but he doesn't see me. I don't want to draw anymore attention towards him by yelling at him. I just know this isn't going to go well. Louis has always had this thing with hybrids. He has, for some stupid reason, always hated hybrids. I wait anxiously for the lunch lady to make my wrap and she seems to be taking her sweet time. That's when I see Harry walk away from the table with his head down. I frown. How could Louis do that? They were good friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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