Let's save our boyfriends.33

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JaJa's p.o.v
I pull away from Ashton's kiss and he touches my face once more. He runs down the hall and reaches the door. He looks back once and I see his eyes filled with tears. Then he runs out the door into the dark.

"Oh my god that just happened". I say wiping the tears out from my eyes.

"We gotta save them". Spencer says her eyes filled with tears and her voice cracked.

"But Liam told us to stay"-

"I could care less about what he says! Harry isn't safe and neither is Mr.Irwin- I mean Ashton. So we need to find them now"! Spencer says. I nod knowing she is right.

"How"? I ask.

"Well I need to track down Harry before the cops find him. You have to call Ashton and find where he is before the cops find him first". Spencer says running her hand through her hair. Tears pour from her eyes. I hug her.

"I promise that as soon as I find Ashton we will help you find Harry". I say. "I have seen Harry with you. He has never been evil or hurt you. You two deserve to be together".

"And you and Ashton, so what if he is a teacher. So what he is five years older then you. You two love each other and that's all that matters and the world around us needs to accept that love is love"! Spencer says.

"I'll see you soon Spencer". I say smiling. I start to run down the hallway. I am stopped by a group of people.

"I heard about you and Mr.Irwin"! Some girl that is two grades under me says.

"Yeah we dated and we kissed and we had some pretty frisky nights. Why do you care"! I say letting out a forced laughter. I push past them and get to the door.

"Slut"! She yells.

"Oh honey no". I whisper to myself. I turn around and pin her against the wall. "I'm not the one that makes pleasure calls for a quick buck every Thursday night and basically pays guys to fuck her because she has already done it with every greasy guy in the school. I'm in a sophisticated relationship that puts your guys to shame so who in this situation is the real slut"?

Everyone looks at me surprised and I put two middle fingers in the air at them. I run out the door and jump into my car. I see tire marks pulling out of the school and I follow there direction. I take out my phone and dial Ashton's number. It's rings and then goes to voice mail.

"Hi there! This is Ashton Irwin! I'm probably doing something right now or I was just too lazy to pick up the phone. Leave me a message after the beep"! I hear Ashton's happy voice say. I need to make sure that I get to hear that happy voice my whole life.

"Ashton pick up the phone. I'm coming after you". I say and I press end. I speed well over the speed limit. I see a helicopter flying low over head. Weird.

I dial his number again and it goes to voicemail again.

"Ashton please pick up! I need to know where you are"! I say louder.

I call him two more times but they all go to voice mail. I slam my hand on my steering wheel. Then I hear my phone ring and see its Ashton.

"Oh my god thank god you picked up". I say. "Where are you".

"The airport, my plane leaves in fifteen minutes". He says.

"Okay just stay there. I have my parents credit card I'll buy a ticket". I say. I start to drive towards the airport.

"No"! He yells into the phone.

"W-what"? I say shocked.

"Turn around and go back home. Go live a normal life. Stop chasing after me". He says sounding sad.

"No. And even if I did go back everyone already knows about us and if I'm going to be judged for loving someone then it's going to be you". I say into the phone. I see the sign that says "airport next exit".

"JaJa listen to what I'm saying"! He says loud. "You don't want to be with an old man like me. You are too young and beautiful to be with a guy like me"!

"Ashton you're not an old man! You're my man and that's all that matters"! I say tears streaming down my face. I pull into the airport parking lot and run towards the door.

"This relationship is twisted! That's what everyone says! Maybe they're right. I'm begging you now. Live. A. Normal. Life"! He says sternly.

"I'm sorry Mr.Irwin but that's one rule I just can't follow". I say and hang up. I run through the airport looking at every terminal to see if he is there. I see a long line on the outside of the Australian terminal. I see Ashton looking at his phone and then putting it in is pocket. He hands his ticket to the lady.

"ASHTON"! I scream and I see him turn around. He drops his bag and runs to me. I jump into his arms and he holds me so tight I can hardly breathe. He holds my face in his big hands and kisses all over my face.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry". He whispers.

"You only wanted what's good for me. But this is what I want. I want to be with you". I say. I take his hand. "Let's start a new life. Where you and I can love our lives. It will be like a second chance".

"Now"? He asks looking excited.

"Now". I say. I hand the lady my parents credit card. "One more ticket". She smiles and swipes the card and hands it back to me.

"Here's to a new beginning". He says. I grin and we both run on to the plane.

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