chapter one

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AUTHOR'S NOTE | This plot was presented to me by rejoiceo

Marinette stared at the television, feeling her heart pounding and her body sweating. The rumour she had heard couldn't be true. What people were saying couldn't be true. She gripped onto the remote, and although now, she didn't want to know, she still clicked the on the button and went straight to the news. And there it was.

Pictures of Adrien and Lila together. Nadja Chamack was on the news, talking about how Adrien had just gotten himself a girlfriend. Marinette felt like she could break down right there. She felt like it was all over for her. The remote slipped off of her hand and landed on the floor with a thud. So did her tears.

She tried forcing herself not to cry, but all the tears came falling like a waterfall. Sabine tried to calm her down, but Marinette ran past her mother and ran straight to her room, heart still beating fast, and her imagination still wishing this was all just a dream. But it wasn't, now was it? Her long-term crush had gotten himself a girlfriend and it wasn't her. She had been too late, and now her dreams of Adrien being together with her came crashing down.

The black butterfly had flown around Marinette and touched her earrings. Marinette looked up, a magenta butterfly outline resembled on her face.

"What." Marinette ejected before Hawkmoth could even begin his usual routine.

". . . "

"If you're going to akumatize me, get on with it. Some people have revenge waiting on them!" Marinette snapped.

". . . Right, you must know I'm Hawkmoth then, I presume?"

"Duh," Marinette rolled her eyes. "I fight your akumas periodically."

". . ."

"Are you still there, otherwise I'm hanging up!"

"I can give you the power to make those who wronged you pay," Hawkmoth responded briskly.

"Oh! So you didn't call to offer me insurance." Marinette remarked sneeringly.

Hawkmoth gave a calming breath and carried on. "No, I am not. I am here to offer you the power to make. . ."

"Yes, I got it, do it already!"

"Don't forget. . ."

"The miraculous, I know Hawkmoth, you send every single Akuma after them!"

Hawkmoth decided to disregard that snarky comment and transformed Marinette without a single word. Marinette stood up and smirked maliciously as a cloud of a magical dark-purple ether engulfed her entire body.

"Paris, you don't know what's coming for you!"

Once the cloud dispersed, Marinette's appearance had changed. Her hair was now black. She looked like she's wearing Ladybug's costume, expect the bodysuit and the mask are all black and the spots are red.

She is now Lady Fortune.


Adrien was slumped on his bed and reflecting on the events that happened earlier that day. His expression changed to one of happiness to despair. He was so exhilarated that Chloe wasn't there to see it!

"Come on, kid! Lighten up a little, maybe you'll feel better if you eat some delicious camembert!" The black cat-like kwami rejoined to his owner.

Adrien rolled his eyes at Plagg, sat up and walked over to his computer. He opened the Ladyblog and clicked on the newest video.

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