"I Love Beanbags"

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(The picture above is one of the, I think, 5 references to the beanbag one. I know a lot of people were looking forward to this chapter)
Lloyd's POV

It all started one rainy afternoon, Jay following Nya mindlessly around the Bounty, Cole screaming at Zane because he burnt his cake, and Kai playing video games.

Kai's game blooped 'GAMEOVER' and he stood and stretched, yawning while hitting the power button.  "Okay Jay, hand over your wallet."

"Um excuse me!" Jay sassed back. "I  give money to the needy, not the greedy!" He huffed and turned back toward Nya.

"Jay! I actually need money!"

"What do you need money for, Kai?" Cole asked suspiciously. "Is it to get me... I don't know... A NEW CAKE?!" I moved over on the couch as Jay took a seat to my left.

Zane spoke up. "Cole, I said I am sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't make a cake unburnt, Zane! Not forgetting it in the oven makes it unburnt!"

Kai interrupted the speak before it could go any farther.  "I just need money."

"What for? New underwear?" I sneered, smirking at him evilly. I may have taken all his and dropped them off the Bounty. Those fan girls go crazy for anything of his and it was fun to watch them scramble!

"Meebee Aye dou," Kai mumbled under his breath. "Jay just give me your wallet."

"Kai!" Nya stood up. "You need to ask politely and GIVE a reason why! My Honey-Boo Moochie works hard for those bills!"

"Thank you Poopchi Mooselips."

"I love you PickleSweets."

Kai rolled his eyes and let out an enormous sigh and then faked gagged.

Nya rolled her eyes back and Jay gave her a little kiss on the cheek.

Happy to see their love is still as strong as ever, I guess.

Kai opened his mouth but I beat him to the punch. "He needs new underwear for sure," I put out there. "But I think he should work for it. Is it really fair to give Kai free money? And is it really fair for Jay to give it? Oh wait- that last one is fair."

Jay glared at me and put his arm around Nya. "You know Kai, he has a good point about you needing to work for it."

"No he doesn't!"

Cole thought for a second. "Yes he does."

I grinned. Of course I do. After all, I am the best.


Zane suggested thoughtfully, "Perhaps he can do some chores?"


Kai frowned and crossed his arms, turning away from the black ninja. "I'll do anything but that."



And that is how, ladies and gents, Kai ended up in the kitchen, with a pink spray can, behind Sensei's chair.

I guess he really needed new underwear. I still haven't gotten any fan thank you letters yet but I am expecting some soon.

Kai finished the last of the can and the chair boldly read "I love beanbags!"

Why in pink? That was the only can Nya had left.

Why "I love beanbags?" Cole called Jay a beanbag and Jay had a temper tantrum about it. And we all love Jay when he has those!

Why on Sensei's chair? Well it was supposed to be on Jays chair, but Cole knew where the money was coming from, and although he told Kai that HE was giving him fifty bucks, he was planning on taking, if he hadn't already, it from Jays wallet. And so to keep Jay from blowing a fuse or loosing a few 'beanbag parts', Cole switched the chair to Sensei's and Kai never noticed.

Of course I wasn't gonna tell him.

Kai wiped his brow. "Phew! Okay give me my fifty bucks!" he said as he tossed the can out of the window.

Hark! Was that some screaming fan girls I just heard?

Cole slapped him a fifty. "Good job mate."

Kai shrugged. "Nothing too it." He turned around to move the chair back into position at the table.

He came face to face with the beaded man. The golden aged dude. The tea hippo.

The Sensei.

"Hello.... pupils."


And here's a little update! Felt randomly inspired and am hoping for a little feedback on this!!

Alloydgators O-U-T!!

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