The Me Thingy That I am Doing At 9:27pm.

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My picture above from tonight's sunset. Not edited.

I was tagged by LadyEmerald1234

Man, love that name.

Anyway, folks and folkess-es.

I, Alloydgat0rs have a loooooong journey to speak of. It will take you on a strength beyond your tiny brains and you may have to read it over around three times to fully comprehend my long journey through wattpad names and how I chose it. Are you ready to conquer this impossible mission that will shock you to know end. You thought math was hard and that science test was hard that you failed last week? You thought that it would be the end of the world when clouds stopped pooping rainbows or when fuzzy blankets weren't fuzzy anymore?

Think again, because I, Alloydgat0rs, have a long journey starting now.

So hold your horses tight on your laps and listen closely.


Cough cough.

Here goes.

My. Nick. Name. Was. Alligators. In. Real. Life. So. I. Choose. That. Username. First.

And I was like, "man I'm so cool with my awesome username, I'm going to sashay around the world because I AM THE BOMB." And then someone called me a crocodile and that's how I was de-nominated from that name.

Okay, kidding.

I change my username to Alloydgat0rs because my sisters' like "if you write Lloyd stories shouldn't your name be part of that? So how come you have Alligators instead of 'Alloydgat0rs." (B1ackBanana )

I blinked slowly, trying to calm my rising and panicked thoughts, that my little sister, (not bluebajoons fortunately because that would be embarrassing if she thought of something as cool as that before me.) thought of something so cool, so wonderful, so ABSTRACT (yes I thought of that word by myself) that I had never thought before.

It was like the impossible had happened. That fuzzy blankets became fuzzy once again and clouds re-pooped rainbows. That oranges began to talk. That I went to China, oh wait, forget that last one.

And I liked the name. And I was like thinking to my self. "I need that name." I squinted my eyes at the girl in front of me.

And I'm like "girl! You ain't know what you talking about. " I snatched my iPad up and secretly unlock it.

I quickly changed my username in the 0.2 seconds I had and was like "Oh! I already changed it BEFORE you mentioned that. Look how skilled I am." And then I rubbed it some more in her face, just for good measure.

And she's like "no way! I saw you change that!"

"Saw what?"

"Your username."

"Little sis," I said, through clenched teeth but trying to smile to show how much I love her. "I changed that already." I batted my eyelashes. Wait, don't you only do that when you're flirting? Okay, I threw a pillow at her head.

She rolled her eyes. AT ME. my heart seriously stopped and I gasped and had a heart attack. It was an interesting conversation. She still thinks she gave me the idea.

Okay, maybe that's not exactly how it went, but she did give me the idea.

I mean, cough, I totally thought of it myself.

Anyway, I give this mission to

bluebajoons  because I love you so much and know how you love doing these things

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