Chapter 27: Applying For The Job.

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"Mr. Jay Walker?" I stepped forward boldly as the attendant called my name. I'll show the ninja! I'll show them the real Jay Walker!

The man typing at the keyboard looked up as I came in. He looked kinda familiar, with hazel eyes and hair that was greased down. Some pieces were already starting to stick back up. He had on a red tie and darker red shirt with black pants. My guess is that red is his color.

"Hello!" He shook my hand as I sat down. Then, he placed his feet on the desk and leaned back in his chair, cracking his knuckles which made me shudder. "I'm Kai- uh...Kaiser! I understand you are looking for a pizza job?" He played with his huge glasses and smirked at me.

I watched him suspiciously. "Yes.... but how do you know that? I didn't tell anyone here yet!"

Kaisers smile wavers, but he quickly caught himself. "I just know! I mean, look at those hands!" He clutched my hands, turning them over in his rather large hands. Kai has big hands too.

"Thanks!" I boasted. "I knew I would be perfect for the job when I saw the application!" I watched him type something on the computer and hit the 'send' button.

You know, he kind of looks like Kai now that I think about it. Before I could ask, the assistant came back.

"You called, Kai....ser?" she dragged out the word, fixing her pink skirt that she was wearing, looking very uncomfortable.

"Yes." The man nodded and motioned to me. "Take Mr. Jay Walker to get a check up, please!"

"Me? Why?" I asked, confused. The assistant giggled femaleishy, which kinda makes sense since she's a girl.

"We need to make sure you are in top physical condition!" she fluttered her eyelids at me, creeping me out since her dark brown eyes looked like they didn't do that very much.

"Please don't flirt! I have a girlfriend!" I boasted, putting my chest forward.

And guess what?

They ignored that. But I did hear the girl mutter something about, "lucky her."

She snatched my arm and started to pull me toward the door. Kaiser smirked and I turned back to him. "Do you know a ninja called Kai? You seem to have a lot in common with him."

Before he could answer, a look of panic crossed his features and the assistant pulled me out of the room. She shoved me into the room across the hall, backwards. I stumbled. Her name tag read, "Nyasia." I carefully looked at her, scanning her high ponytail that was falling out and the small freckle that was just shown on her hairline.

You know, she kinda reminded me of Nya. My Nya.

"H-hey Nyasia," I stuttered. That's weird! I only stuttered by Nya! "Do you know a water ninja named Nya, because you look a lot like her-"


That was the sound of the door slamming in my face.

I turned around to face a huge training center with the works. Better than the Bounty's that's for sure.

I heard whispering. Slowly, I turned to meet a doctor in white.

"Are you sure?"

Little voices came back to his question, probably telling their reply. The white man answered again. "Of course I have my stern and business switch on!"

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