Chapter 15 Part 1: Ice and Stuck.

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Lloyds POV (yay, I love his point of view the best! :))( cuz he's like me haha)

"Jay, can you shut up?" I whispered, trying to keep my voice down. Jay, being Jay, didn't seem to notice, and he kept jabbering on to Ember, about mistaking food coloring for his shampoo or something. That how he dyed his hair hot pink by mistake.

Like we care.

It smells like garbage, it's cold, and the mission is a hard one. AND JAY WONT SHUT UP!

Anyway, since he wouldn't shut up and leave Cookie alone, I placed my hand over his mouth.

AND HE LICKED IT. Jay germs, on ME!!

"Ew!" I scream whispered, wiping my hand on Kai's hair. Actually, I tried to wipe it on Coles suit, but it went right through.

And my hand hit Kai's hair. Anyway, it got stuck, because it was wet and Kai's hair was frozen.

From Zane. Yea, Zane might have thought Kai was a bad guy, so he shot him with ice. And the ice froze Kai's hair.

But Kai couldn't unfreeze his hair, because it would give away our position. Nya and Zane were across the tower, ready from their side if anything happened, while I was appointed body guard over Ember. Which means Kai and Jay got to do the actual mission, while I was babysitting Miss. I'm-not-telling-you-my-power.

Sigh. My life.


Kai hit my face.

That cheater.


"Get out of my hair!"

"I can't move my hand!" I yanked my fingers with my other hand, but if something wet touches something super icy or cold, it gets stuck.

So now my hand is stuck on Kai's head.

Kai literally ripped my hand off, probably tearing out some of his hair.

At least the ice works better than his gel and keeps his hair messy. In a good way.

I think.

"Go go go!" Zane quietly said into my earpiece, urgency threaded through his voice.

"Let's move." I nodded at the ghost and summersaulted down from the wall, dragging Ember with me. Cole disappeared threw the wall, while Jay zapped the over hang, making it attract him. So up he went, leaving me and Ember stuck in the middle of nowhere.

I peaked around the corner and saw Zane make a staircase of ice up to the roof, that vanished right when he reached the top, while Nya flipped, using squirts of water as jets to make it that high.

So now it was me and Ember. Or Ember and I.

Or just me. With the Cookie.


I started to make my dragon.

Nya's voice hissed in my ear as she used her own ear piece. "And no noticeable entrance, Lloyd!"

Wow. Why does everybody know that I use my dragon a lot? Just because I messed up the mission once, or twice because of my dragon, doesn't mean I always do it!

Or four times.

Or five.

FINE! Twenty seven.

Anyway, Ember shrugged and tossed three rags into the air, and I blinked and she was onto the roof, hanging over and waving at me.


She beat me again.

I have to get in somehow! HWR is probably having a secret bad guy discussion.

My teammates watched me closely from above as I stressed and strutted around.

More like puttered around.

But then an idea hit me. I picked up one of the rags Ember used, and a piece of a brush, from the garbage. Then, I sashayed inside.

"Lloyd! " Kai called into my earpiece. "Come back!"

Nope. I was going to do this. For I was, the GREEN NINJA,!


This is part one of chapter 15!
The rest will come tonight :)


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