He always gets like this when he comes to my performances. Always bored if I'm not the one performing, and always overly excited when I am. It used to embarrass me but now it's almost that of an anchor for me. It now encourages me to do better and go harder. Never have I ever seen Ash get as excited as when he cheers for me during my performances and the thought warms my heart. I really got lucky with my twin didn't I?

   "Lydia!" I turn and smile with a little wave when I'm met with those inviting brown eyes. Ethan saunters toward me with his jersey in hand.

   "Sorry I couldn't get it to you sooner. Coach had us running suicides on the practice court until about five minutes ago." He smiles at me sweetly and I take it, pulling him into a hug.

   The hug was short lived as I quickly jump away from his sweaty body. "You reek."

   "It's manly musk babe. Learn to love it." The music comes to an end and I meet his eyes again.

   "Thank you." I pull the jersey carefully over my curled hair and adjust it until it looks good with my dress.

   He grabs my hand and looks me dead in the eye sincerely. "Don't worry. You're gonna be amazing, if you get uncomfortable or nervous.. just look at me. I'm right here with you."

   I conceal the urge to swoon but smile shyly at him before leaning up onto my top toes and leave a lingering kiss on his cheek. I pull back to see his flushed face and smile. "That's exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thank you again." We laugh together for one second and the next, I'm being yanked away from him by London.

   "Hate to break up whatever this is, but it is time for you," he points at Ethan. "to get ready for the line up oh and do try to get up front so you can watch me-" I clear my throat. "So you can watch us make that dance our bitch."

   "On it." I watch his back as he saunters off. That is one nice ass. I shake my head and get into formation behind the curtain. I crouch next to London with my forearm on the back of the dancer infront of me.

   "And the dream becomes a reality. At the moment I'm getting Edward vibes from Ethan but Nixon has time to prove himself too. I have faith." The principle is about to finish up with the football introductions. Next is the dance team. My stomach tightens.

   "I still am curious as to who got you to watch that movie." I whisper as the lights dim on stage.

   "My ex girlfriend. I loved it secretly though."
I shake my head and Katy Perry's 'Roar' remix starts playing loudly around the gym. We run out and do several split leaps in ripples before stopping in formation.

   Silence fills the gymnasium and then 'momma said knock you out starts playing.

   The audience cheers in surprise at our song choice. My song choice. I knew how boring pep rally's can be with the same old song so I asked coach repeatedly if I could pick it. In the end, she obviously obliged.

I wait for the ripples to end before standing up in the middle of the formation with the other dancers crouched around me. I hadn't planned on having a solo during the group dance since London and I already have the duet but coach insisted.

Feel my nerves creeping up my spine so I do what Ethan told me. I scan the room as my body moves until my eyes meet his proud brown ones. He smiles reassuringly and I smirk back at him, my hips and chest popping to the hype beat of the song. My breathing quickens when his eyes travel south of his jersey to my exposed legs.

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