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                              Lydia Jensen

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                              Lydia Jensen

The second we hit the dance floor I'm eager to get more drinks but I know I need to control myself. I look at Elena and Kayla and smile. I'm happy to have such great friends here, when I was in LA I always kinda knew my friends there were fake and self centered but I always ignored it and pretended along with them. Better than being alone but somehow I'm more satisfied with the feeling of loyalty and family. It's starting to make me worry that I might not take the chance to go back after high school by the time it's over.

Yup I'm overthinking again. I need another drink. I turn to the girls and grab their hands, pulling them with me to the drinks in the kitchen. "Jell-O shots!" Elena screams before disappearing.

"Is she always this hyper still?" I ask Kayla as I throw back my head and down my shot of vodka.

"It's never ending bitch you got no idea." She laughs and pushes herself up so she can sit on the counter. "So what's up? I haven't seen you in a couple days."

"I know! Where have you been? You left the other night and didn't say bye." I said, my mind starting to fuzz as I take another shot. I giggle at how bad I'm being. One more and no more Jensen.

"I had some family stuff that was kinda messing with my head. I didn't want to bring you guys down with my negative vibes." She shrugs it off like it's no big deal and I frown.

"Kayla you know that you can always talk to me right? If you're feeling down just tell me and I'll literally drop what I'm doing. Because if you're hurting, it does matter. You don't have to deal with everything by yourself. You deserve to be taken care of." I say, my words slightly slurring but I mean every word.

"God I wish you were into girls because my ovaries just exploded." I giggle in surprise and pull her into a hug.

"I promise that if one day I wake up and start to feel the desire to finger someone, you will be the person I call first." I lift my hand over my heart and stand as though I'm pledging allegiance to her.

"I'll be waiting for that call." She says with a wink and laughs with a shake of her head. "It doesn't matter. I just push things down and it eventually doesn't hurt anymore. I've always been like that but thank you for your offer." She sobers up and looks down with a sad expression.

"It does matter. It matters to me. Don't do that to yourself Kayla. The more you push your shit down, the worse you'll feel. You need at least one person in your life that you can share your feelings with, because if you don't let it out... eventually you won't be able to take it anymore and you'll explode." I know from personal experience. My obsession with dance gets worse by the day, I dance relentlessly for hours to relieve some of my frustration but it doesn't always work unless I push and push until my body is shaking so hard, that I can barely move. It's why I'm so good. Because I never stop.

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