Littlest red

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First London chapter! You already know it's gonna be funny as hell😝

First London chapter! You already know it's gonna be funny as hell😝

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London Matthews

   "London get your ass downstairs before your pancakes are cold!" I hear my mother screamed from the other side of the house. This would be her third attempt at waking me up this morning and nothing worked. I'm not fucking done with my wet dream about Jennifer Lawrence in a mystique costume yet mom, isn't exactly something I could tell her out loud.

   At the word pancakes I shoot up to a sitting position. "Pancakes?!"

   "Yes London. Pancakes now get your lazy ass out of bed and come get breakfast! Honestly!" I can just imagine her pacing around the kitchen, fussing at the fact that no one is up yet.

   With pancakes in mind, I take off down the stairs. Not bothering to shut my door, make my bed, or change. Kayla is halfway down the stairs when I turn the corner so I quiet my steps and calm my breathing. I look over her shoulder and see her texting none other than my lovely dance partner. I take her distraction as an opportunity. My arms wrap around her quickly from behind.

   "Take the hint sis. She's just not that into you." I say loudly in her ear.

   She gasps in shock and attempts to elbow me but my hold on her is too strong. "London I told you not to do that shit anymore!" She grunts as she shoves me off her.

   "Aw but it's so funny!" I laugh and point at her mockingly. "You were all AHH OH MY GOD! LONDONNN STOPPP!" I laugh again at my high pitched impersonation of her.

   "I do not sound like that asshole."

   "Actually y-"

   "Kayla Danielle and London Ray! Get your asses in the kitchen now! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and if you don't eat properly you won't perform as -"

   I cut my mother off as we enter the kitchen. "Jesus woman, calm down. No need for the speech, you don't gots to tell me twice. You had me at pancakes, dear birth giver." I bow dramatically at her and both she and Kayla roll their eyes.

   I ignore them and immediately dig into my delicious pancakes. I cut down the stacks and eat each slice in one bite, pleasantly surprised that mom arranged them in my favorite way. Every other pancake in the stack is blueberry and chocolate chip. Don't ask me why I like to eat them together.. I just do. I pull my phone from my sweatpants pocket and smile when I see that I got a text from Lydia. I haven't seen too much of her in these last few days, what with the fact that we already perfected our duet dance for the pep rally and were working on the group routine.

   "London Ray. Put your phone down for five seconds and eat some bacon."

   "Mom. You know I'm a vegetarian."

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