The chase

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"Run!!!" The explorer makes a run for it having the twins give chase after him as the temple crumbles and begins to cave in. This must be another extreme booby trap set for thieves who would steal that goat-cobra idol thing Larry had ran off with.

Jake makes a mad dash after him with that treasure. Mavis spots something glinting in the gold and quickly pockets it after nearly missing a large slab of rock nearly crushing her. "Mavis! Come on!" She hears her brother's voice and makes a run for it as they chase Larry out from the crumbling and caving temple while avoiding the other booby traps that had been set off and leaping over the hole Mavis had fallen down in until Jake spots the light of the entrance way they came in.

"I don't think so, you two!" Larry runs quick out of the temple and tries speed up the collapsing process to trap Mavis and Jake. "I didn't think I would have to use any dynamite for this expedition but better do it now than never!" He pulls a red stick of dynamite along with a match to light it up until, "Not today!" Mavis runs out with Jake behind her kicking the unlit explosive from his hands.

From the ruins they ran deep in the jungle chasing after the scoundrel who swindled them of the treasure they found pushing and parting away foliage, jumping from the back of that same hippo in the river they crossed running as fast as they can.

"Get back here with our treasure!" The girl yells running with her brother at the rear almost getting hit by some branches and leaves.

"Don't be so sad now, kiddies, I'll give you my share of the treasure," the male sneers, "from my lavishly posh vacation home in Hawaii!" He runs while laughing a weird obnoxiously nasal sounding laugh deep into the foliage.

"We're never gonna catch him at this rate!" The ginger haired girl said out of breath.

"Oh yes, we will!" The boy said starting to climb up a tree reaching for the vines tugging at one to see if it'll support his weight.

"And here we are now, chasing Larry Hackface after he duped us to take the treasure for himself. I just hope Jake knows what he is doing right now and not collide with a tree face first."

He gives it a tug looking at Mavis who stood next to him on the tree branch. "I sure hope you have a plan because this look lik-" Jake wraps his arm around his sister's waist tightly, "Hold on!" Grabbing the vine he and his twin sister leaped from the branch swinging from the vine as Mavis screams in terror. 


He belts out that iconic scream just like what Mavis read to him in the book. She opens her eyes beaming a smile at her brother believing that he actually figured it out how to get it right.

"Jake," he throws her over to a close vine for her to swing on to. "Why'd you do that for?!" She quickly grabs onto it tight and swings after him now that praising her brother had just turned to irritation. "Just grab and swing, we'll catch Larry this way now follow me!" He grabs at another vine swinging from one after another and Mavis doing the same. 


Jake winced a little hearing his sister's rather pitchy version of what he hollered but who was he to criticize her as he felt a sense of happiness to himself. "I'm so proud of her." The twins got to yelling and swinging from vine to vine just as Jake thought in keeping up with Hackface who kept running with the idol he had taken from the temple along with a woven basket full of treasure. "It looks I lost those brats! I can finally see it now, laying on the pristine white sandy beaches in Hawaii with a very hot swimsuit model trophy wife and I have you to thank." He said running with the cloth covered gold idol in his hands.

"There he is!" Mavis points to Larry running and grabs one more vine and swings to the ground. Jake attempts to follow his sister's lead until he didn't see the tree he was closing in on.

"Jake! Watch out for that-"


"Oof." She quietly hissed at him hitting the tree face first and then fall to the ground seeing stars. She runs after where had fallen. "Jake, how many fingers am I holding up?" She held two in his face as he opens his eyes seeing double for a moment. "F-four I think?" She sighs picking him up. "You're close enough now let's get him." They ran after him until it was the end of the line finding Larry at a cliffside waterfall. "End of the line for you!" He turns to see the furious twins. "Stay back you two." He said backing up with his heel crackling at some dirt at the cliff's edge. "Or you'll jump?" Jake said crossing his arms. "What!? Jump, boy are you insane?! This is a very high drop and the locals have called it the "Suicide Cliff". Too deadly to jump off." He said walking away from the edge slightly. "Then give us the treasure!" Demanded Mavis. "You mean this?" He said unwrapping the white cloth to reveal the goat/cobra headed idol with its ruby eyes shimmering in the setting sun.  "I'm afraid not seeing as I found it." He sneered. "No way, we found it that is until you decided to turn against us and tried to have me and Mavis killed!" Jake said poking at his chest.

That did it and the twins and lanky explorer began fighting each other, punches, kicks, fists of fury by Jake, hair-pulling, shin kicks, headbutts and foot stomps and a hard kick in the nards. The twins have put up a fight but Larry not so much seeing he wasn't going to fight two preteen twins when they roundhouse kicked him in the stomach hard making him drop the idol and basket off Suicide Cliff. "The treasure!!!" They all cried seeing the male jump off after it. "Didn't he say it was too deadly to jump?!" Mavis had an idea and quickly using the plants around her, she creates like a makeshift hang glider. "Grab on Jake, let's go gliding!"

Making sure the wind is right, the twins take a step back then charge at the wind leaping from the cliff and were in the air. "This is so awesome!" Mavis laughed excitedly as she and Jake were gliding.

"I'm Superman! 🎵I believe I can fly!🎵" Jake couldn't keep in his excitement and then they nosedive down to where Larry had jumped where their fun of being in the air turned to panic as the bottom of the falls come into view of the rocks below. "Pull up! Mavis pull up!" Jake cried not wanting to die a slow painful death of impalement.
"I'm trying I'm not exactly a pro glider!" They scream messing with the branch bar trying to pull up and right on time before hitting the rocks and something landing on top of their leaf sail of the hang glider until Jake wanted to go another direction having him and Mavis argue causing it to move to and fro. "I'm going to be airsick."


"Now I know how Launchpad McQuack feels when he crash lands." Jake said rubbing his head.

Mavis and Jake's Epic Adventures: The Lost CityWhere stories live. Discover now