Double-crosser thy name is Larry

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"What do you mean you smelled a rat?" Jake asked his sister. "I meant, I knew that guy was no good from the start. You may think when I fell I wound up with a concussion but my pith helmet protected me. I also saw moments before the ground caved at my feet Larry stepping on something real hard to cause it as a way of him trying to get rid of us."

Mavis tells her brother this seedy explorer was using them for this exploitive expedition, this scamming safari, the tricky treasure hunt! "Jake, for once use whatever you have of that brain of yours and think, if Larry was as good as you thought, he wouldn't try to separate us to our untimely deaths so he can make off with the treasure himself." He looks his twin in the eye now realizing truth she is speaking.

"I'll take this, a couple of these, of this one will do nicely." The lanky man takes handfuls of treasure stuffing the contents in woven basket in handfuls of gold, silver and jewels

He spots in the end of the room a stone pedestal with a statue depicting an ancient idol of sorts. To Jake and Mavis they could've sworn they saw dollar signs in his beady eyes.

"For too long I have searched for you

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"For too long I have searched for you." He said approaching the golden idol which was the head of a goat with a cobra on its head with ruby eyes that gleamed under the light of the torches. Now that the twins know of his true intentions, Mavis wanted nothing more than to act on her word by sticking him in the nearest giant anthill.

"Once I rid myself of those troublesome twins, I'll keep this idol to myself and all the riches will be mine!" He laughs a weird nasally obnoxious laugh as he takes the golden idol and wraps in a cloth switching it with a big enough chunk of gold. "We think not, Hackface!" Mavis and Jake stood there with their arms crossed. He turns around with the wrapped idol in his hands with his hand over his chest feigning worry seeing Mavis again. "Mavis! Oh my goodness Jake and I thought that something horrible happened to you!"

"Cut the crap! You were trying to get rid of us so you can make off with all the treasure for yourself!" The redhead points a finger at him with white hot anger burning in her eyes. "I have the ultimate treasure while you have nothing at all." It was then that the room begins to rumble and shake.

"Run!!!" The explorer makes a run for it having the twins give chase after him as the temple crumbles and begins to cave in. This must be another extreme booby trap set for thieves who would steal that goat-cobra idol thing Larry had ran off with.

Mavis and Jake's Epic Adventures: The Lost CityWhere stories live. Discover now