The Adventure Begins

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My name's Mavis Langston and this is my twin brother Jake. We're both ginger haired  semi-identical twins and no we are not Weasley twins. We're 11 years old and live in San Francisco with our mom and dad. They're travel bloggers and we go with them and get our own sense of schooling since my mom does not like the idea of me and Jake in a stuffy old classroom with other kids believing that we can learn through hands-on experience out in the world.

Our story takes place in an apartment home in San Francisco, California where our preteen twin protagonists are in for the adventure of a lifetime. In the modest apartment, the twins were in their shared bedroom with a ginger haired boy with freckles dotting across his face wearing a red shirt with a lightning bolt, denim blue shorts and red Converse was sitting on a red bean bag chair listening to his sister almost alike as him only with pigtails and tiny freckles dotting her cheeks wearing an ombre pink shirt and pleated sky blue skirt with ombre sapphire blue and cotton candy pink Converse sat on a fuchsia bean bag chair was reading a book to him seeing that tired bored look on his freckled face.

"As the body rolled to the ground Tarzan of the Apes places his foot upon the neck of his lifelong enemy and, raising his eyes to the full moon, threw back his fierce young head and voiced the wild and terrible cry of his people." Mavis reads.

This got Jake's attention switching to bored and uninterested to intrigued and curious. "Did it sound like this," he clears his throat then taking a deep breath trying to sound what his sister read, "AWOOWOOWOOWOOOOOO!"

Mavis covers her ears at the sudden vocal assault. "No, it didn't sound like that, idiot." She could feel her right eye twitch slightly.

"How about this," Jake takes another deep breath, "AYIYIYIYIYIYIIIIIIIII!!"

"No! Also, that sounded like our neighbor Mrs. Del Fuentes next door." She said rubbing her ears.

Jake went on with a series of warbling cries, howls, yips, yaps, growls and other weird sounds which are nothing like how Mavis described in the book she read to her brother.

"Well then, it looks like "story-time" is over then." She said closing the book irritably at the noisy vocalizations her brother is making heading for the living room to hopefully read the rest of the book she held to obtain possible peace and quiet.

Two adults walk in the room one with a professional camera and the other with a smart tablet. "Your brother bugging you again?" Asked a female voice belonging to a woman with long ginger hair tied in a messy ponytail, with broad black frame glasses wearing a loose dusty purple sweater with a black camisole underneath with gray comfy pants with mismatched socks holding the smart tablet glances at Mavis.
"Yeah, mom and Jake's being extra annoying when I was reading to him this book I bought."

"Tarzan of the Apes, that's a good book, princess." She said sitting next to the 11 year old ginger redhead. "I thought if I read it to Jake, he'd appreciate good classic reading."

Her mother lightly laughed gently placing her hand on Mavis' shoulder. "Mave, you can't force your brother to understand these things. It's like trying to force a cat-fisher on the internet to reveal their true identity."

A light brown haired male with the professional camera wearing a dark blue polo shirt, denim jeans and royal blue reading glasses sat opposite to Mavis. "Also, you might wanna switch that frown to a smile, angel-pie because we're going somewhere for the travel blog."

Mavis looks up at him looking curious and Jake runs out their shared room. "Where are we gonna go?!" If there is anything the twins really like it's traveling with their parents to different parts of the world instead of being cooped up in their San Francisco apartment with a babysitter boring them out of their minds. "Well, the first hint has to do with that book in your hands, Mavis."

"You mean..." yep, Mavis hit the nail on the head seeing that it was not much of a hint her father gave. "We're going to Africa!" Cried Jake.

You heard my brother right, we're going to Africa and we'll get to where the trouble began soon and hopefully I get Jake to understand Tarzan of the Apes and not just being too into the Disney movie and the picture books.

Mavis and Jake's Epic Adventures: The Lost CityWhere stories live. Discover now