Jungle Trek

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It was very early in the morning almost dawn with the sounds of the jungle coming alive around them in the tree house the family resided in with the twins slowly waking to see it's the day they told explorer Lawrence Hackton that they would help him find this ancient Lost City that is hidden real deep in the jungle where legend has it, there's a treasure tucked away with riches beyond your wildest dreams. Mavis is roused from her deep sleep by Jake who is already dressed in khaki like an explorer with a pith helmet, concealed Swiss Army knife he brought hidden in his hiking boot with a compass and bullwhip like Indiana Jones. "Wake up, we got a Lost City to find." The redhead slowly wakes up rubbing the sleep out of her eyes getting herself ready for their search. It was still early so their parents won't be up yet knowing that their dad is a heavy sleeper and their mom uses her white noise machine to fall asleep at night.

Grabbing their backpacks they quietly make their way to the kitchen where they packed enough food for the trip deep into the jungle along with some breakfast of their own. "That should be enough for us and the journey back." Said Mavis grabbing a nice red Macintosh apple for her to eat on the way. As silently as possible, Jake and Mavis leave the tree house where the red headed boy nearly reaches for a dangling vine to swing down causing his sister to place her hand on his shoulder shaking her head disapprovingly at what he might do that could wake their mother and father which would make their little trek fall apart. "You may not believe it but vine swinging is gonna save lives one day." He said to Mavis causing the twin to roll her eyes at him as she makes for the ladder climbing down with him following behind her down to the ground where the twins take one last look at the tree house and head off to meet with Larry like they agreed.

The twins trekked through the foliage to find the explorer they, mostly Mavis; reluctantly befriended. Pushing through the foliage and swinging from a vine that snapped under Jake for being a little too heavy, they carried on into the jungle crossing a river by some stepping stones until the last one lifted upward.

"Mavis, are rocks supposed to be doing this?" Mavis' fingers lightly brushed on the surface to feel instead of wet mossy stone it was skin, smooth yet leathery skin.
"This is not a stepping stone, it's a hippo!"

They leap off before it took notice of the twins on its back at the edge. "I thought I was gonna be hippo food." Jake leans back only to fall over some plants staring up into the sky until a smell hits at his nose.

"What smells like eggs benedict?"

Mavis brushes herself off sniffing the air, "Weird, I smell it too." She takes her brother's hand helping him up to follow the smell and parting away the plants, they find a campsite and Lawrence Hackton by the fire cooking, as their smell confirms, eggs benedict.

"Ah! Good morning my dear kiddies, makes yourselves comfortable by that log over there." He said pointing at a nearby log with the fork he's using. "Hungry you two?" Mavis shakes her head at him. "I have fruit slices in my pack." The dark haired man raises an eyebrow, "Now, now, Mavis you sound like I put something in the eggs, I would never, touch of pepper yes but nothing else that would harm you or cause internal upset like indigestion." He tells her giving the ginger boy some for strength. "It's mother's own recipe the secret ingredient is lots of love." Lawrence said with a chef kiss.

Jake was eating with his to his heart's content, "Mavis you gotta try this I can taste the love in it. Besides I got hungry from all that trekking." Mavis took some apple slices out from her pack eating one. "As long as he doesn't try to poison either of us."
"Perish the thought, child." The lanky man pets on her pith helmet handing her some eggs benedict. "The sooner we eat, the sooner we find the Lost City and its treasure lost in time."

After their impromptu breakfast with the explorer, they head off deeper into the jungle on their trek for their destination while Larry tries to keep them interested with some tales of his own. "Once, I traveled to Greece to try climbing the famous Mount Olympus." Jake was very intrigued by his stories. "Did you see actual Greek gods, were they real?"
"I wish they were, boy but I kept climbing and climbing, and climbing," Mavis groans irritably as she takes polaroid pictures of the jungle flora and fauna to try and tune him out.

"And that was story of why I never date Cuban women." Jake looks up at him nodding at each word he said. "And I thought that dad said women were complicated." He said quietly until he hit a mossy vine wrapped stone face first. "Ow! Why!"

"Jake!" She quickly picks him up with his hands over his nose. While Larry looks at the map then to the stone. "It can't be..." from the map back to it his smile grows wider and brighter like a kid on Christmas morning.

Mavis and Jake's Epic Adventures: The Lost CityWhere stories live. Discover now