Plans Exposed

Depuis le début

 "Keeper?" Rose asked quietly, breaking into his thoughts.

 "What is it?"

 "Will...will Dean save us?"

 "What kind of foolish question is that?" Keeper demanded, as he looked at her.

 "Well, Vassago said..."

 "Vassago is an incompetent, pompous fool!" Keeper said angrily, cutting her off. "He has no idea what we have planned or what we're all capable of."

 "How much longer will we be in here?" Rose asked sadly.

 "Consider yourselves lucky you're alive and in there, the alternative is...not very pleasant. Eat your food like a good little mortal. " Keeper explained.

 "I want to go home." She said sniffling, her tears falling silently.

 "Yes, and I want to be King, but we can't always get what we want, now can we?" Keeper said sarcastically, tired of her constant whining. "Just sit there and be quiet, things will work out as planned as long as Dean and the others don't screw things up."

**Back With Dean**:

 After training for a while, Dean needed a break, unable to stop thinking about his mindlink and how close he had been to getting the answers they needed. What good were his damn powers if he couldn't control them or do what he wanted with them? He hoped that Zander and Jameson would be able to find something they could use.

 "Dean?" Father O'Conner's gentle voice spoke from behind him.

 "Yeah?" Dean answered, as he turned around to face him.

 "I came to check on you, Roman told us how upset you were after your mindlink."

 "Of course he did." Dean replied sighing, as he ran his hands over his face and leaned his back against the wall. "I'm fine."

 "Really, Dean?"

 "Yes, really." Dean said frustrated. "I wish everyone would stop asking me that, dammit!"

 "I understand your frustration, Dean, we all do, but we're also worried that you're putting too much pressure on yourself."

 "No offense, Father, but all the pressure I have on me is because I'm the damn Chosen One. So, unless you can somehow trade places with me, then I'm screwed" Dean said sighing, before he sat down on the ground and leaned his back against the wall, bringing his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. "I'm sorry, Father, I know you're just trying to help, I'm just so angry and frustrated."

 "No apologies needed, Dean." Father O'Conner said smiling sadly, as he sat beside him and put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. "We all feel the same way as you do, it must be even more frustrating for you because of your powers. You must remember though, that you're not alone in this fight and no matter what happens we're in this together."

 "I know, it''s all still new to me having someone other than myself to depend on, you know? Then there's the pressure I have to keep all of you guys safe on top of that."

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