Darkness (nsfw)

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Ink sat alone on the carpet floor next to his and his lovers bed. Ink was scared, scared to wake error up. Error's always been the person to jump to conclusions.
Ink began sobbing, he was already crying. He didn't want to wake error up. He didn't want to show himself to his lover. He'll surly hate him for this, besides it all inks fault, isn't it? He should have shouted louder, clawed away quicker.
He sighed and stood up, stumbling his way in the dark to the bathroom.
He turned on the light, stepped inside and looked in the mirror. Ink sighed again, turned on the shower and steeped in.
He turned the shower on cold and grabbed the soap.

He scrubbed all the blood off his bones and the water below soon turned red with the cuts and stab marks he just re-opened. He let out one last shakie sigh and reached down to his pelvis, washing away the dri cum.

He began crying again. I hurt, everything hurt. He could barley walk.
Once cleaned, he turned everything off and weakly got into bed with error.
"Mm ink?" he mumbled, still asleep. "Shh, im here"
"I was waiting for you to come home"
"Shh I'll tell you about it in the morning just.. Go to sleep"
Error turned around and wrapped his arms around ink's aching pelvis. Ink winced but didn't want to make error suspicious. Ink uncomfortably fell into unconsciousness.

The morning light hit ink right in the eye sockets, making ink him turn, wich caused more pain then he expected. Memorys from last night came back. He sighed and sat up. God it hurt down there but error would be mad if he knew what happened between his lover and... Ink sighed again. He didn't want to think about it, not now. He got himself out of bed and reached into his draws. He didn't get the chance to get his cloths back last night. He got on some leggings and a plane, oversized T-shirt. He didn't plan on going out. He looked back at the now empty bed, error must already be downstairs. Ink made his way to error, each step felt like he was walking on broken glass.

Ink made his way into the kitchen where error was. Ink had a smile plastered on his face and was happy to finally be in the arms of error.
"Error, i missed you so much last night!"
Error looked up from his phone, he looked at ink in disgust then back at his phone again. Ink was confused. "What wrong?"
"So, how was hanging out with dream last night?"
Flash backs to what happened came back to him.. What dream did to him. The small, bruised, abused skeleton felt hot liquid go down his cheeks. He couldn't speak anymore, it hurt.
Error looked up again and growled. "Save the fucking tears ink!"
"Im sorry-"
"Get out of my sight, ink"

Ink sighed and teleported himself back into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror again but noticed something. A bite mark. That.. That basterd! He marked him!
Ink bent down and reached into the bottom shelf. He pulled out a few bottles and a blade. He looked at the thing he used to sharpen pencils with. He shook his head and dropped it on the floor. It didn't matter now. He took the bottle of bleach and undid the lid. He did the same with the liquid sterilizer. He took the paint cup he used for painting upstairs and poored the two liquids into each other. The beautiful cyan mixing with the white bleach.

He smiled. Footsteps came walking up the stairs. He'll have to hurry up. He took the cup and put it up to his mouth, gulping it down. He felt like chocking. He felt like screaming. He was scared, he didn't want to die but.. He... He had to. Its too late anyway.

Ink fell to the floor, smashing the cup that held the liquid he had just committed suicide with. The smile of the pleasure of death and release still on his face. He eyes shut so he'll forever be sleeping.

Error began running. He got a message form deam, talking about how ink was screaming for his lover to come rescue him, to save him from dream but... Nobody came. Error knew how unstable ink was. He was the only skeleton who knew ink's tragic backstory.

He heard a thud and a smash coming from the bathroom. He kicked open the already unlocked door and gasped at the sight of his dead lover.
This was all his fault, he did this. How could he betray ink like this?!

He noticed the blade on the floor. He sighed and picked it up. Ink used this before, he already attempted to end his life with it. He rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie and wrote with the blade.

'I'll see you soon love'

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