Amnesia #2

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Error kissed the cheek of his now awakened husband. "Oh ink" he mumbled. "I thought i was gonna loose you."
Ink was confused, his head throbbed like someone hit it with a huge rock. All he remembers is white, just white. The small skeleton didn't understand why but he hated white. The man who was hugging him hugged harder, causing a slight pain in his chest and head. Ink wasn't just confused anymore, he was angry... No.. Mad. He was mad. How dare this stranger abduct him, hurt him and call him weird names.. Ink didn't like this, there was an emptiness in his chest that felt as though he missed someone but didn't know why, he felt like just a minute ago he felt.. Happy? Yes. Ink thinks he felt happy, but happy because..? Happy because he felt he had someone or people with him just a minute ago? Ink frowned, what if this stranger kidnapped that person inks been longing for for what felt like his whole life now. He was furious. How dare he!
Ink never wanted this, who even is ink?! Who even is this?!
"Let go of me!" ink shoved the weird, glitched skeleton who was in front of him. It hurt ink. His chest felt like fire but.. Something also hurt inside him aswell. Why does it hurt? Why does ink feel these intense feeling all of a sudden?!

"Papa?" ink heard a voice call. His instant reaction was to smile, hug the voice and reassure it that yes, papa is here but ink wasn't sure. He wanted to be with this voice, he felt a need to protect it but he also felt a large cringe in hid chest, as if a memory of something ink couldn't see popped into his mind.. Reminding him he's nothing compared to the voice. No, this must be a trick! Why else would ink feel so.. Bad? He feels like dying.. Ink wants to die but he doesn't know how! Maybe he is dead?

"Ink.. Are you ok?" that man.. Ink hated that.. Man. "Whats going on?" another, different voice called.. He felt that same need, urge but that same cringe. In closed his eyes tight. Why?! Why id he feeling this way?! Why is everything so loud?! Why cant it just stop?!!!!

And stop, it did. Everything was quite, cold but.. Peaceful. He opened his eyes again. He was somewhere.. Completely different.. But something didn't feel right. Something is very very wrong. He felt like he was braking, no.. He felt like he was about to scream. Something big, something horrible something-
oh... Never mind then.

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