Beginnings of Order

Start from the beginning

Abaddon the Destroyer

Rias: Abaddon, thanks it's destructive power, broke through barriers God had placed within the barren realm, emerged on the Earth and started laying waste to the lands, people, and beings on it. It admittedly made it very far and was close to complete destruction of the Earth if it wasn't for the quick and unsteady alliance between the Fallen Angels and God's Angels led by his two eldest children, Michael and Gabriel. Those two, along with their sibling turned traitor Mastema, leader of the Fallen Angels at the time, led their forces on a massive attack on Abaddon and succeeded in defeating it to a weakened state.

Y/n: Why did you say 'defeated' instead of 'destroyed'? Did Michael, Gabriel, Mastema, and the Angel and Fallen Angel forces not have enough strength to eliminate Abaddon?

Akeno: Not exactly. Remember, Abaddon was an accumulation of God's destructive power. He was that raw energy incarnated. When a strong energy is able to develop into a being like that, it can't be fully destroyed but can be weakened to a state where it struggles to maintain it's physical form.

Rias: She's right. Abaddon, wounded and weak, managed to retreat to it's barren realm before God could get back the power within it. To ensure it wouldn't come back, God put more barriers on the realm and created the Dimensional Gap, a special "void world" or series of gateways, as a way to divide his Kingdom, Abaddon's realm, and the human world. But in doing so, God prevented a more direct means of connecting the Kingdom to the Earth and therefore made the Earth the realm of the humans to rule. At that point, it becomes a bit unclear as to what exactly happened to Abaddon. Though we do know Abaddon was beaten to a state where it could not maintain it's physical form and risked it becoming raw destructive energy again. Somehow, Abaddon managed to split itself into 6 independent beings. It's unknown exactly how it was able to do so, but it managed to imbue each with a portion of it's power. Those 6 were known as the Progenitor Devils, our ancestors. Though, they were very different to how devils are today.

Y/n: How so?

Akeno: The Progenitor Devils were giants, standing over a hundred feet tall, of course not as giant as Abaddon; though they often stayed at a normal height of 10-20 feet

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Akeno: The Progenitor Devils were giants, standing over a hundred feet tall, of course not as giant as Abaddon; though they often stayed at a normal height of 10-20 feet. What's more, they had humanoid appearances, but it's said their bodies were made of dark matter but were still solid and could morph different parts of their body to whatever they wanted. While that's what there base form was like, when they used their full primal destructive power, they were able to form themselves into demonic beasts of giant size.

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