Chapter 11

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Rafael’s POV

Since yesterday I’m thinking about my beautiful angel. This stupid teacher! I wanted to ask her for her mobile number, when suddenly the stupid female teacher came to me. At first she started asking me something about my job, but after my angel was out of hearing distance she really started flirting with me. Shudder, just to thinking about it lets a cold shudder down my back. Oh come on the teacher was like double the age then me. Today’s old generation, unbelievable!! She really started to ask me about my body. How many muscles I have and how good my six pack looks. AND then she really started to touch my body to see how my muscles feel like. OMG fortunately a male teacher came to us and asked the female teacher to go with him. And you wont believe it, but before she went away, she just WINKTED me goodbye. I could have thrown up there. Right on her old and ugly face.

I couldn’t believe it, when I saw my best friend Dario, on the ground laughing at me that hard that he even had tears in the eyes.

Today me and Dario have a free day, so we are going to visit our parents. We’re best friends since we were toddlers. Our parents are good friends too and live on the same road, so its easy to visit them all. On the way there I’m thinking the whole time about my angel Jasmine. I really hope that I’ll see her again so I can ask her out and make her my girlfriend. I don’t know why I want her to be in my near. I don’t even know her, but I think I like her already. The hour with her in the truck were enough for me to like her.

My Jasmine…I’ll find you again and then I’ll make you, to like me too…

Jasmine’s POV

When I wake up its already evening. I go and take a long and refreshing shower. After I’m done. I go down to the living room, where my parents are sitting and looking nonsense.

“mom, dad? Where is Nate?” I ask them. They look up to me and then dad tells me that Nate was in his room. I nod and go look for him. When I arrive in front of my big brother’s room, I knock at his door.

“mom, I already told you that I don’t want to eat anything. So please let me alone.” Comes the answer.

“Nate I really hope that there is no girl with you and that you have clothes on. Because I’m coming, if you want or not.” I shout. And open the door and enter in his room. The first thing I smell is alcohol and then I see the excuse of my brother on his bed.

“Nathaniel Smith!!! I really hope for you, that it wasn’t you who emptied all this bottles!!!!” I shout at him angrily. When he sees that it was me he tries to sit up fast and show me how sober he is. In the process of sitting up he falls of the bed. I really have to control my laughter. I put up the best angry face I can and tap my foot, waiting for his explanation.

“Jas, hey sis its not like it looks like” he starts. Wow the worst beginning ever. “like what does it look, my dear BIG brother?” I ask him.

He looks down on his hands and starts playing with them “Jasmine I was a little bit upset and to forget everything I started drinking. Sorry, I think it was a bad move, wasn’t it?”I can see he isn’t sober yet. I’ll have to wait till tomorrow to give him a lecture.

“fine go and sleep. It’s getting dark anyway.” I go over to him and help him in his bed, where he falls asleep in seconds. After that I search all bottles in his room. Wow he really has been upset he drank three beer and a whole bottle of wine. Stupid boy, alcohol never helps in such situations. But I’m really curious of the reason why he drank all that. After taking all bottles with me, I go down and throw them away. After that I go to my parents and sit with them.

“mom, dad? I think Nate has a problem. He drank a lot of alcohol. Do you know why?” I look at my parents.

“Jasmine. Your brother really loves you and he’s upset because of what happened to you. he feels responsible for it.” Mom tells me. I look at my mom and try to find out what happened to me. Then everything that today happened comes crashing down on me. I have been rapped and mostly important, I was pregnant. I cant believe it I just forgot everything.

“mom I think I’m going to my room and rest. Goodnight mom. Goodnight dad.” And I go.

What happened with me. How could I forget something like that??

Just then her mobile phone starts ringing. It was Isabelle.

“hello?” I ask on the phone.

“my god its you Jas, isn’t it?” she asks unsure.

“who shouldn’t it be? You called my number so it has to be me, doesn’t it?” I ask her amused.

“yeah you’re right. So what happened? Your parents called me yesterday at midnight and asked for you. you’re not in trouble, if I had known I would have totally told them that you were staying at mine. But you didn’t tell me. So what were you doing out that long Miss Virginity?” I had to bit really hard on my lip to not start crying. She couldn’t know it. If she would have asked me this question before I got rapped, I would have laughed with her. But now…

“Jasmine, hello? Did I say something wrong? Why are you that quite?” Isabelle asks me, but I just cant talk to her without starting to cry, so I take a long breath in and let it slowly out.

“Belle I’m sorry but I cant talk at the moment. Is it ok if I tell you everything tomorrow?” I try to sound normal.

“Ah ok… if you think so. Bye see you tomorrow. Bye. “ she disconnects the phone call.

After that call I start thinking a lot. And come to a conclusion….

Authors note:

Just so you all know. I’m not really a person, who writes authors comment the whole time. It for me like I would be talking/writing with the computer. And because I’m new in the whole writing business, I’m not used to write with my fans. 

“Last but not least”, how my stupid English teacher says every time, thank you all, who are reading my story:) <3

And thank you my fans :) <3

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