Chapter 10

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Jasmine’s POV

I have been raped and I’m pregnant!?!?!?!?!?

This has to be a joke. I mean really!!

I have waited my whole life for my Mr Perfect to come, so I could give him my virginity and that has been taken away from me? I never gave any boy the wrong idea, clothed properly. And I, I of all people have been raped? Slowly everything comes back to me. I WAS PREGNANT!! What am I going to do with a child. I’m at school I cant just quit my school. Give up my life because of a stupid asshole.

I touch my stomach. A innocent little child is growing in my stomach? Little by little tears start to make their way down my face. What am I going to tell my child, who its father is? ?...?..?

What am I going to do?

From one moment to the other I can hear everything around me again. My moms sobbing, my brothers cursing and hitting things in anger and my dads attempts to stay strong, but is failing every time. 

At that moment the doctor comes back in the room, but when he sees the situation here, he calls a nurse to help him calming us down. She goes to my mum and starts talking to her. The doctor comes to me and sits in the near chair.

“Jasmine. I now you are in shock and I can understand that, but you have to be strong. I know you can do it. Just don’t give up.” He makes a break and takes a breath in and lets one out. “ok look Jasmine, I can understand it if you want an abortion. But you have to think it through.” He informs me. I just look at him and shock him with my answer.

“I don’t want an abortion.” I whisper. My family looks at me as shocked as the doctor. “I swore to myself to never kill a unborn child. Not even then, when the child is out of an accident.” I touch my stomach and continue “this child is mine. It cant do anything about the fact, that its father rapped me. I cant just end a human life. I cant just kill my own child” now my tears are running freely. “I couldn’t live with that decision my whole live. Every time I will see a child and its mother, I would be feeling a pain in my heart. I just cant kill my own child.”

I look to my parents for their opinion. “mom, dad will you support my decision?” I ask my parents. That’s the first time, I really look at my parents after they told me everything. I can see a lot of expressions cross their face. Love, worry, happiness, sadness, excitement and a lot more.

My mom is the first one of my parents, who says something. “oh Jasmine I’m so proud of you. I know you always wanted to wait for your Mr Perfect. When the doctor told us the news, the first thing I thought about, was your dream of your Mr Perfect. I and thought you would be breaking into peaces, when you would hear this news. But I’m so proud of you. I’m so proud, that you are dealing with this whole situation with so much maturity.” She comes to me and hugs me for a long time and we both cry in each other’s arms. “I promise, I’ll be the best grandmother on this planet. I promise.” Mom promises me exited about being a grandmother. At her excitement  I have to laugh and that in combination with my tears. Oh god. I surly looked like hell.  

When we were done crying and laughing. I looked to my dad. “Daddy?...” John looked at her and rushes to her and hugs her strongly. “My baby girl. I’m so proud of you. I’m promising too, to be the best grandfather ever.” He kisses me on the check.

Out of nowhere Nathaniel comes to his family. After seen his sister cooperate so well to this situation, he feels bad for not been there for her. He promises to himself, to always support his sister.

“Baby sis. I’m so sorry!” he looks away ashamed “I should have been there for you, but all I did was, be angry and an asshole. I’m really sorry baby sis.” he apologises.

I look to him and take him for a hug. “oh my stupid big bro. I cant even be angry with you, when I want to be. And you don’t have to apologise for anything. We’re all just too shocked. And everyone reacted on their own way.” We hug for a while.

When we hear someone cough in the background, we see the doctor standing there with a smile on his face. “I’m really happy and proud to see you cooperating that positively with your situation. And I’m not just saying it. I have seen much, and the most girls in your situation, take the easiest way and kill their child. But now that this is cleared. I just have to make a few more tests and then you can go back home. Ok?” the doc tells me.

“yes doctor. That’s ok” I answer.

After he has made his tests I’m allowed to go home. Nate doesn’t let me walk one meter. He carries me the whole way to the car and from the car to the house in my bedroom. Here he orders me to sleep for a while. So I have the time to plan my further life.

While I’m thinking about it, I fall in a dreamless sleep…

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