Chapter 7

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Anonym POV

 I reached for my dog and took the dogs lead away and went jogging like every morning. Half way through my dog Angelo started to bark very loudly in the distance.

“Angelo, Angelo my doggy come here. Angelo??” after a while I went to look  where he was baking and why he was doing it, because normally he is very quite dog.  

When I could see him, I called him again but he didn’t even look up. He just went on barking. When I was near enough, I saw why he was this upset. He loves human, mostly the children and women.

In front of me there was lying a beautiful girl about 19 to 25 years. But it seemed like she was unconscious. I went to her and tried to wake her up, but she didn’t even move. I looked over her again to look for injuries, fortunately she didn’t have any. But her clothes looked like she didn’t put them on herself.

Suddenly a bulb went on in my head. This girl had been RAPED. Oh my god. That poor child. Quickly I dialled the number of the ambulance and called the police too.

That poor child. And after the rape the asshole just through her here in the wood. What would have happened if I didn’t jog here? Unthinkable!!!!

A few minutes later the sirens of the ambulance could be heard. The policemen came out first and take a few pictures. Afterwards the doctors take her in the car and take her away.

“excuse me please Sir. But can you please come with us for the report?” the policeman asks me.

“of course Sir I’m coming with you but I have a dog with me. Can I take him with me?” I ask them. They nod and take me with them to the police station…

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