Dark Danger 4 (Alternate Ending)

Start from the beginning

"Henry-" Charlotte started tearily. 

"I know I'm not who they made me to be." I yell. "But I'm not me anymore." My scream turning into whisper. A tear slid down my face. 

I look away from them, tears now falling freely. 

"I have these things inside of my head that I can't take out. Words that if you say them in order, you can turn me into the Dark Soldier." I say. 

"Henry, we want to help you. We really do, but you won't let us." Jasper said sadly. 

"Just leave me alone." I mumble, wiping tears away from my cheeks. 

"Henry, come out. We're getting some supper." Charlotte orders. 

"I'm not hungry." 

"It wasn't a suggestion." Charlotte said coldly. 

I throw one more punch before sighing. I unwrap my knuckles and drop them in the garbage bin. "Fine." 

- time skip - 

We all sat around the table. No one spoke. 

After finishing off a french fry, Charlotte finally spoke up. "So, Henry." 

I swallow my piece of pepper and chicken from my Thai curry. "Yes?" I ask. 

"How can we help you?" She asked, gaining everyone's attention. 

"I told you a week ago. I want Z and N dead." I say, continuing to eat my curry. 

"I don't think that's such a good idea Henry." Rai said, staring down at his burger in his hand. 

"You agreed to help me Rai." I say stoically, stabbing my chopsticks into the takeout box. I thought the takeout boxes were a bit dumb considering all our food came from the auto snacker. 

"I know I did, but I just don't think it's a great idea." Rai mumbled. 

"I have to side with Rai here Henry. It just isn't logical." Schwoz sighs. "Think about it, you already have post traumatic stress disorder from killing all those people, why would you think killing more will help?" 

"I don't know Schwoz, but I feel like I need to do something." I say quietly. 

Schwoz sets down his potato latke and gives me a sympathetic look. "Henry I won't try to understand how you are feeling, but you won't feel better by adding who knows how many kills to your list." 

"He has a point. Taco?" Jasper asks, handing over one of his beef tacos. I shake my head. 

"Henry, what if Rai and you go to Z and N but don't kill them?" Charlotte suggests. 

"Let them live?" I ask cooly. "After everything they've done?" 

"I know Kid. They deserve a fate worse than death. Zoe and Nigel deserve to spend life in solitary confinement." Rai explained. "But killing them isn't enough." 

I look down at my food, which was still steaming. I take out one of my chopsticks and spin it around in my hands, before taking out the other and taking the food into my mouth. 

"I guess you're right." I mutter. "But what about the trigger words?" 

"Noise blocking chips for every sound except our voices." Charlotte supplied simply. 

"That could work well." Jasper murmured. 

"Then that's what we will do." I agree. 

- time skip - 

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