✮ Arno x Reader ✮

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Laughter escaped from my mouth as I sprinted across the rooftops, away from Arno. "You won't catch me, baguette boy!" I called, jumping to another roof.
"Oh I'm sure I will, my dear Y/N!" He shouted back. Another laugh echoed across the unusually quiet city.

It was a peaceful day, birds were chirping, the sun was shining and people were happy. That's quite unusual for Paris at the moment, being in the middle of a revolution and such. I'm not complaining that it's a quiet day, don't get me wrong. It's a nice atmosphere, it just feels a bit off. There was no fighting, no shouting, no blood and no executions. If only it would stay that way.

Finally, I halted to a stop at the top of Notre Dame and waited for Arno. Eventually, he appeared, pulling himself up to the top. "Finally! I thought you said you were going to catch me?" I teased, a smile pulling at my lips.
"I didn't realize you were that fast!"
I rolled my eyes and sat on the roof. Arno wandered over and sat beside me. "Are you alright? You seem different today," he asked, looking at you with a hint of concern painted on his features. "It just feels different," I state simply.
"How so?"
"It's quiet. There's no fighting."
"Surely, it's a good different then?"
"I suppose so.."
There was another thing that was troubling me, but I didn't have the heart to tell him. Elise, his girlfriend, had been seeing another guy behind his back (I sincerely apologize Elise fans). I knew he would be heart-broken if I told him, but he might be more heart-broken if I don't. We're best friends, and we trust each other. Maybe I wanted to be more than just friends, but Arno's head will always be turned by Elise.
"Hey Arno? Can I tell you something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"I don't know how to say this but... Elise is," you sighed. "Cheating on you."
Arno sat back, looking stunned. "What? No, no she, she wouldn't! Y/N, you can't split me and Elise apart! We love each other! I can't believe you would be so selfish and try and break us up!" He cried, his once sparkling deep brown eyes now filled with anger. I gasped. "I would never try and do that to you!" I screamed back, hurt at the fact he thought I would do that. "You know what, fine. I'm going home, away from you," he snarled, venom filling his voice. Arno got up and stormed away, leaving me alone.

Arno's P.O.V
She's lying, Arno. Elise is loyal, she loves you. She wouldn't cheat on you. Your relationship with her is perfectly healthy.
I tried to keep my focus on my self-assurance but so many other things were spinning around in my head. Rain started to drizzle down from the now grey sky. "Wonderful" I thought. I could see mine and Elise's house in the distance, so I started to run so I wouldn't get soaked.

The house was completely silent as I entered. "She must be doing something," I thought. Then, a slight mumble was heard from upstairs. "Won't your boyfriend be home soon?" The mumble asked.
"He won't be home for ages, it's fine," another voice replied. Elise's voice. I gasped, tears filling my eyes. Y/N was right. I crept up the stairs to listen to what else was being said.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"More than Arno?"
"Way more."
I tried to stay hidden, but the urge to speak my mind overtook me. I burst through the bedroom door, where I was greeted with Elise kissing another man. "How could you?" I hissed through gritted teeth. "Arno! It's not what it-" Elise started but I cut her off. "Save it. Y/N was right. We're over," I snapped, grabbing my belongings and setting off to find Y/N. She deserves an apology.

Reader's P.O.V
I sat, sobbing while Arno's words rang through my head. "I can't believe him," I thought.  Tears rolled down my cheeks, blending with the rain pouring from the sky. After a while, I heard a few bumps and knocks against the roof. "Y/N.." I heard Arno mumble. I didn't respond. "Please, darling, listen to me. I'm sorry for shouting. You were right," he began. "I didn't want to split you up.. I just want the best for you," I stated, between shaky breaths. Arno sat in front of me and I leaned into his chest. His strong arms wrapped around me and started to play with my h/c hair. "I love you," I wept.
"I love you too, now lets get you home into the warm."

Kinda angsty
Thank you lovelies

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