✮ Modern!Ezio x Reader ✮

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Oh my gosh, I'm too nervous to even exist right now.
Am I wearing too much makeup?
Am I not wearing enough makeup?
What if he doesn't like me? Or he changes his mind?
Negative thoughts rushed around your head and you were having one hell of a time trying to get them to chill out. You were getting ready to go on a date with Ezio. You'd liked him for a while, and to be honest, you thought you did a pretty good job at hiding your feelings for him. Until someone, not naming any names *cough cough* JACOB FRYE *cough cough* accidentally spilled to him. Thankfully, Ezio returned the feelings you had for him. He'd asked you on a date and that brings you up to speed.

You paced about in front of the stairs, silently panicking. Everything's gonna go FINE you assured yourself. You heard his car pull up out the front of the house. You could tell it was him because no one else had a flashy car that sounds like his. You took a deep breath and put on your shoes and coat. Footsteps travelled up the gravel pathway leading to your house and eventually landing at the doorstep. There was a knock at the door. You composed yourself and opened it. There stood Ezio, looking absolutely amazing. He was wearing skinny ripped jeans and a red and black leather jacket. His brown hair was neatly tied into a ponytail, and a few strands hung down over his forehead. You smiled at him. "Buona sera(good evening), mio amore," Ezio greeted you, his brown eyes meeting your e/c ones. "You look beautiful tonight," he said, being his charming self. You smiled and your negative thoughts were gone in an instant. He took your hand and gently kissed your knuckles.
"Ever the gentleman," you giggled.

You both strolled out to his car. "Where are we even going?" You asked, curious. You had been wondering all day where he was going to take you. Of course, Jacob knew and would tease you because you didn't. "That would be telling, bella (beautiful)" Ezio replied with a smirked directed at you. You felt a hot blush creep across your cheeks as he laughed. His smile made your heart absolutely go insane.

After a little while of driving, Ezio pulled up at a hill. "Follow me, tesoro(sweetheart)" he said quietly. You grabbed his hand and followed him to the top of the hill. There was a blanket and fairy lights strung up in the trees surrounding you. You gasped.
"Tada!~" he sang.
"E-Ezio, it's beautiful! Thank you!"
He sat on the blanket and motioned for you to come and sit with him. You carefully sat down with him, still taking in everything around you. You felt an arm drape around your waist and your lips curled into a small smile.
"Ezio! Look at the stars!" You gasped, staring at the sky. The tiny, twinkling spots mixed with the moonlight to shine a glow onto both of your faces.
"I know, mio amore. I took you here because the stars remind me of your eyes," he said, his own eyes glimmering in the pale light. You blushed gently and he turned your head to look at you. He studied your face for a few seconds before moving closer and placing his lips onto your own. You were taken aback for a split second, before you completely melted into him. As he pulled away, you were both breathless. You started to giggle. "What's so funny bella?" He asked, suppressing a smile.
"I'm so glad I didn't have to make the first move."
He chuckled lightly before pulling you closer. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Ezio."

This took wayyyyyyyy too long to be published,,, and its kinda short,,,
*screams in love for Jacob frye*
Thank you lovelies

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