Rashin Mahaifa Is Finished!

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Assalamu alaikum! Ohh, God! I miss you guys so much.... It's being long right? How many months? I seriously can't even remember! So how have you guys being? I hope everything has being going as planned.

I know it's being like forever and i seriously apologise for that, I saw a billion Dm's you guys left for me and am so thankful for that, it shows you do care about me! I seriously kinda miss typing using my phone actually, I miss reading your amazing comments and smiling to them.

So any who, guess what FAM! Rashin Mahaifa is finally done and dusted, you guys can't imagine how happy i felt the day i finished the novel, am actually kinda use to writing about Marwan and Khameelarh but then now it's a whole new and different story about different people, but worry not more and more are to come insha Allah and i promise not to ever start posting a novel without finishing it cause i spend two years writing Rashin Mahaifa! I actually finished the novel since November 2019 but then i started reediting it from the beginning that was how the delay came!

Actually what i want to inform you guys is this! I've changed the title of the book from 'Rashin Mahaifa!' To 'The Presidential Throne!' Amazing right? Yeah i know. So anyways the publisher that was suppose to publish the novel gave me some advice that nowadays not everyone buy a published novel so if am to publish it i won't gain anything from it. So i found this app 'OkadaBooks' and i posted the whole novel there.

If you guys want to read the ending of Rashin Mahaifa you can search for the novel there as 'The Presidential Throne!' But you have to pay just 700 for you to be able to view the whole novel! I literally spend a lot of my time just to come up with the novel it's worth it right?

Anyhow, if you have never heard of the app or you don't have it you can download it and as soon as you get it you will be able to understand how to use it! At first i wanted to publish the novel and sell them out as 2k a copy but then i thought this is easier.

As soon as you get the app, just type the title of the novel or my name it will eventually come out! Support your girl guys, I know i have kept you waiting for so long and am so sorry for that i just wanted everything to come out perfectly! I kinda left social media just to focus on completing the novel for you guys for more than three months i think.

Anyways tell a frnd to tell a frnd that Tyetyelorh is back and Rashin Mahaifa is finished, let's see who will be the first person yo buy my novel will be! I love you XOXO

This is the link to the novel

You can comment below for any questions!

Love and kisses

Queen Tye

The Presidential Throne!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz