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Jimin 's pov.

I was sitting on the cell when I saw Tae coming

Tae :why did you lie you are dead???

You are a mother Tae aren't you????

Mothers can do anything to protect their unborn child no matter what,,,

I did it so that no one will harm my unborn child,,, i have denied my son the right to stay with his father but not anymore I want the two of them to bond that is why i exposed myself,,

Tae :but you should have told yoongi this

Jimin :perhaps am paying for seperating you and jungkook,,, but to tell you honestly this is the best way to stay away from many problems,,,

Jimin :Tae please don't tell anything to yoongi,,, i want him to bond with our son

I sat down when Tae said,, enough you two are behaving immature now,,, you have suffered enough

No please Tae you promised me

He went away and I pulled my hair,, no this is not happening,,,,

I sat down to see yoongi with our son

Chanyeol :Momy are you a bad person???

I looked at yoongi and he was giving me a dead glare

Yes son am such a bad person and you know what I don't love you I always dreamed of using you to acquire everything I want in my life

I hate you Momy

I Hate you too chanyeol and I can never call you my son go away stupid kid

Yoongi pulled me on my neck till I couldn't breath at all for a moment I saw dead in front of me

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