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Jimin 's pov.

It has been two months since Tae died and kookie never talks at all he only sing, practice and go back to the apartment we all stay and sleep,,

We surely don't know what to do make him eat or talk he barely nods most of the time he is quiet and no one knows what he is thinking at all,,,

Maybe he truly loved taehyung,,,,

I was relaxing on bed when yoongi pulled me from bed

What is wrong with you

It's all your fault taehyung killed himself you are the one who seperated them and sent joy to kookie

Jimin :i did what was the best besides kookie made clear to us he doesn't love Tae

Yoongi :you are so selfish Jimin  you know what let's break up i don't want to date a selfish person like you

Jimin :for real you want to end our relationship????

Yoongi :obviously yes i hate you so much it's your fault kookie is suffering

Jimin :do what you think is best am so much tired and i don't care anymore

Who do he think he is i can date whoever i wants to hell with him

I was sleeping when i saw Tae 's image saying please save me

I was shocked

Please leave me alone Tae i didn't do anything to you

I run to yoongi' s room and hugged him tight but he pushed me harder

Stop your fucking cheap tricks

SECRET LOVE. (VKOOK). Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ