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Taehyung 'd pov.

We arrived at  Natalie' s house and i went to take a bath,,

I examined my face in the mirror and I couldn't believe it,  jungkook is right am ugly i better go far away from here,,,, where no one will see me

I went out of the bathroom when i saw jungkook with rap monster and all members of bts outside

No God please let them go away i hope they didn't come here for me,,,

Natalie :do faster rap monster wants to meet you now and take you out

No i can't go out

I went outside and all members started laughing at me

Look here all of you can make fun of me as much as you all want to besides am ugly, i won't feel bad because it's the truth but don't make fun of my feelings,,,

I hate the word called love,,, love made me look like this so as so sorry rap monster but i can never agree to go out with you,,, am just a freak who is pregnant, pathetic,,, am meaningless

I was about enter inside when kookie said let's go besides its not like he is an angel anyway,,,

I was completely hurt but i just smiled

You are right you know,,, just tell your friend he should go out with a celebrity not with an ugly freak like me,,,

I was about to go inside when Natalie pushed me on the floor,,

How dare you talk to visitors like that you know what tang get out of our house you ugly maid,,,, i never liked you at all you are just a big loser and you can never be my brother

Others kept laughing except rap monster who helped me up and carried me

I don't mind you rejecting me but you have to accept me or else i will reveal you are Tae and you didn't die

No please don't do this to me

I accept whatever you want rap monster i whispered to his ear
But please promise you won't say anything

I promise i won't don't worry i want to help you make jungkook realize how much you mean to him

No please

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