Chapter Thirteen

Comincia dall'inizio

"Your body loves it," he murmured, and trailed a finger down my cheek, almost lovingly, "So, why are you forcing yourself not to?"

"I'm not," I snarled, my nostrils flaring at how deluded he seemed to be, "You're just fucking delusional-"

Like a switch had been flipped, he let go of one wrist to slam his hand against the door behind me. I flinched away, the sudden bang startling me, with a frightened whimper.

"If I were you, I would watch what you say to me," he warned, his lips curling upwards, giving him an almost maniacal look, "You never know what might happen if you piss me off."

"Even you wouldn't be stupid enough to do anything in school," I hissed back

However, Tyler raised an eyebrow, almost as if he was daring me, "Is that a challenge?"

Fear crawled over my skin, entwining around me like vines. He laughed at the widening of my eyes, enjoying see the terror in them.

"You're going to be a fun one," he chuckled, the undertone making me shiver, "Oh yes. . . The others were fun, but you. . ." he pointed a finger at me, smiling like a Cheshire cat, "You'll be the cherry on top of the cake."

He released his hold on me and I slumped against the wall, catching my breath, like I had just run a marathon. Tyler shoved his hands in his pockets, looking completely unbothered.

"I just came here to remind you to keep your mouth shut," he smirked, "I know my mother probably handled that side of it but you know, I like to be completely sure."

"Handled it? She threatened my parents!" I spat in complete disgust.

He waved me off, scoffing, "Well if you keep your pretty little lips shut, then nothing will happen to them, will it?"

"You've met my parents," I whispered, pleading. Trying a different approach, I softened my gaze and took on a softer tone, "Come on, Tyler. . . You remember when they invited you over for dinner? When you and dad sat down and watched football? Or when my mother spent two hours trying to help you bake a cake?"

A silent moment passed as I watched Tyler thinking back and remembering. For a brief moment, hope soared in my chest when something flickered in his eyes, however, it disappeared as fast as it came. He shook his head firmly, his lips tilting downwards.

"Like I told you Naomi. It's not up to me. Whether or not something happens to them is on you."

"So you don't feel any remorse for what you did to me?" I asked, desperately searching his eyes.

I didn't know what I was looking for exactly; something, anything to let me know that the Tyler I dated was still there somewhere, and it wasn't just a figment of my imagination. Yet, the longer I stared, the more confirmation I got that this was the same Tyler I had fantasized over. How had I let myself become so blinded by his fake words and love? How could I have not noticed anything? Why had I not listened to dad or Toby when they told me there was something off about him?

He opened his mouth to reply, shooting me a confused look, "Why are you making me out to be the bad guy here, Naomi? I didn't do anything wrong."

I jerked my head towards him, disbelief clouding my features, "Pardon?"

"Come on Naomi, You were basically asking for it," he sneered, rolling his eyes, "With all those crop tops and shorts, I mean you can't wear that kind of stuff and not expect me to do anything about it."

"Excuse me?" I blinked, my mouth opening and closing soundlessly for a few seconds, "So a girl can't wear a fucking crop top without it meaning she wants sex? Is that what you're saying? Or is what you're trying to say is that you boys have no self-control and use this as an excuse to justify your actions?"

Tyler's face grew ugly, scrunching up into a look of disgust, "What did you just say to me?"

I stumbled back as he started nearing again. His eyes suddenly grew dark, narrowing in on me. Like a predator he circled around me slowly. Before I could even blink, his hand snapped towards me, grabbing my throat. He clenched his hand, cutting off my airway. I choked, garbled words trying to leave me.

My heart raced in fear - fear at the look in his eyes. The dead, empty look that would forever be burned into my brain. And for a few seconds, the terrifying thought that he would kill me filled my mind. He tightened his grip for a moment, my face going red. My hands were flailing at my sides, but it was like a small rabbit trying to take down a lion. I was never going to be free, as long as he had me in his grasp.

Realizing what he was doing, and when my eyes began to roll back, he released his hold on me. I gasped loudly, clutching my burning throat. My lungs expanded, filling up with as much oxygen as they could take in, while I was bent over, coughing and spluttering.

"You just like pushing my buttons, don't you?" he jeered, spitting down at me, "Fine, do that. We'll see how far it gets little you and your family."

He pulled with door open, slamming it shut behind him as he stalked out. I slid down against the wall slowly, putting my face in my trembling hands. It didn't matter how hard I strained my vocals, nothing seemed to come out. Uncaring, I continued to scream silently, hoping someone, anyone would hear me.

But no one did.

My body wracked against the wall, my shoulders shaking with every sob that left me. Fear and horror consumed me, taking over every single cell in my body. I couldn't seem to think straight, and with each second that passed, the corners of my eyes began to fill with contoured spots, until finally, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I passed out.

.-: :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

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