[15] We Are Friends, Right?

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Minho and changbin just look at the kids who are now walking towards the swing. They just need to look after the kids from afar since the kids already promised them that they won't go too far from them.

Several minutes passed and there's nothing happen to the kids. They seem alright, except the fact that they still ignoring seungmin's existence. Well there's nothing they can do about it. both jisung and hyunjin are too stubborn.

After several minutes look after the kids while chatting with each other , both of them are hungry. They sure the kids are hungry too. That's mean someone need to go and buy them some food , while the other need to stay and look after the kids.

Changbin is the the one who will buy food for them since minho said he is lazy to go to the convenience store right now. It's not a problem for changbin, so he just agree and went to the nearest convenience store leaving minho.

Minho just sit there and watch the kids. Since he is alone right now , he become bored easily. He even didn't realize that he slowly closing his eyes and fall asleep. Until he heard someone screaming.


Minho's eyes widened. It's seungmin's voice. He quickly stand up and run to the kids.

•----[ Turn Into Kids ]----

Seungmin had makes his decision to help Felix , jisung and hyunjin. He didn't know what the suspicious person said to his friends until they're crying right now. Seungmin run as fast as he can towards the person while closing his eyes.


Because of seungmin's action , the suspicious person fall on the ground making the three kids startled. Seungmin fall on the ground too and his hand have some small scratchs on his palm. When he fell before, his palm rub against the ground and cause the scratchs on his palm.

The suspicious person fall on his face so it's take a moment before he can stand up. When the person stand up , his nose are bleeding. Seungmin run to in front jisung , Felix and hyunjin before screaming to the suspicious person.


"This kid-"

"YAH! DON'T TOUCH THEM OR I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" Suddenly someone cut his words. He cursed and wipe the blood from his nose before running away leaving the four kids.

"MINHO HYUNGGG!!! HUAAAAA!!" Felix , seungmin , hyunjin and jisung run to minho and hugged him.

They're too afraid right now. Especially felix , hyunjin and jisung. Seungmin is afraid too but not as afraid as his friends. But deep inside he glad for being able to help them from being kidnap by the kid's kidnapper.

"Hyung!! I'm so a-afraid! t-the weird said to us t-that you leave us here and he is the one who will take us home huweeee" Jisung cried.

"B-but we don't want to go with him because his face is s-scary" felix said while sniffing making him stutter while talking.

"A-and he is a-angry. H-he try to p-pull me" Jisung said again while crying again. Hyunjin just nodded while crying.

"Ssstt it's okay , we are safe now" minho said trying makes them calm down.

•----[ Turn Into Kids ]----•

Now they're already at their dorm. Changbin tell chan and jeongin about what happen earlier. He also tell them that the kids didn't get hurt , they just too afraid until crying. Minho is in his room again, to rest.

Seungmin is sitting at the sofa with felix. Felix didn't stop praising seungmin for being brave and help them before. Seungmin just smile shyly but he still feels sad because jisung and hyunjin still didn't want to talk to him.

Actually , jisung and hyunjin want to say thank to seungmin so bad. But they're too embarrassed to do that when they remember how they treat seungmin before. They feel bad about it. That's why they still didn't want to talk to seungmin. They afraid if seungmin didn't want to talk to them too.

"Minnie" Seungmin look at hyunjin who is call his name all of the sudden.

"Yes jinnie?" Seungmin reply.

"Sorry and thank you for helping us before" Hyunjin said while looking down.

"Sungie too , i'm sorry minnie and thank you" jisung said.

Both hyunjin and jisung are really sorry to seungmin. They feels guilty. They thought seungmin will never forgive them but it's okay , they deserve it. They thought. But seungmin just smile.

"It's okay , we are friends right? So minnie will always help sungie , jinnie and lixie" Seungmin reply while smiling.


Seungmin just nodded at the question while smiling. Jisung and hyunjin look at felix as they didn't believe that seungmin easily forgive them. Felix nodded , telling them that seungmin already forgive them.

"HUAAA THANK YOU MINNIE!" Hyunjin and jisung hugged seungmin tightly.

"It's okay!" Seungmin reply.

Hyunjin and jisung let go the hug. Jisung handed his hand , he wanted to shakes hand with seungmin since they're friends again. Seungmin just accept it but he flinch as his palm touched with jisung. His palm hurt.

"Akh!" Seungmin look at his palm. It's bleeding right now. Hyunjin , jisung and Felix shock seeing seungmin's palm.

"HYUNG! MINNIE'S PALMS ARE BLEEDING!" Jisung yelled in panic.

"What?! Let me see" chan said panic.

He take the emergency box from the cupboard and go to seungmin. He clean the scratch to avoid from the scratch to get infection. Seungmin close his eyes and endure the pain when his wound touch with the medicine.

After finished putting the medicine chan place some plasters on seungmin's palm to close the scratch. Seungmin just look at his palm that have several plasters on it. Seems like he can't draw on jeongin book until all of his wound are healed. That's makes seungmin said.

"Hyung why minnie look really sad?" Felix asked while pulling woojin's shirt.

Before chan being able to answer it , seungmin already answer the question for him.

"minnie can't draw anymore" Seungmin said while looking at his palm sadly.

"It's okay minnie , sungie will draw for minnie!" Jisung said. Hyunjin nodded.

"Jinnie too!" Hyunjin said.

"Lixie too! Lixie too!" Felix said while waving his hand in the air.

"Really?" Seungmin asked. Felix , jisung and hyunjin nodded in synch.

"Thank you sungie , jinnie , lixie" seungmin said while smiling.

He is glad to have them as his friend. Chan just smile seeing jisung and hyunjin started to talk to seungmin again. Seems like today's incident making their friendship become stronger than before.


I hope this chapter won't disappoint y'all. But thanks for reading 😊😊 Btw sorry if there are too many wrong grammars 😅.

Have a good day/night! Bye😊

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