[11] Just A Normal Day

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Its already a week since the 00liner turn into kids. Luckily they can take care of the kids without having any problem. The only problem they need to take care is when jisung and felix lost but luckily they can manage the problem. But now they are really bored , especially the youngest.

Since jeongin didn't have school today , he just need to stay at their dorm. He usually will come to the practice room and practice with the other members but since half of his member becomes kids , he have more time of doing nothing at the dorm.

Now he is in his shared room with little seungmin. He take a glance at little seungmin , he is busy doodling on his book. Jeongin sigh. He feels really bored!

Maybe if he play with his phone he won't be bored. So he decide to just play with his phone , maybe watching videos on YouTube or download some video games to play. But suddenly he feels someone pulling his shirt.

"Oh yes minnie , can i help you?" Jeongin asked to seungmin. Seungmin just nodded.

"Minnie want to borrow your book" seungmin said while pointing to the jeongin's desk that have some several books on it.

"Sure minnie~ But don't draw something on it okay?" jeongin said.

"Okay!" Seungmin run to jeongin's desk and take a random book.

Then he sit on the floor while reading the book. Even sometimes he just looking at picture on jeongin's book. After he feels bored with the book , he left it on the floor and take another book. But when he sees a book that full with words , he throw it on the floor and find another book.

"Woahh~" His eyes becomes sparkle when he sees a comic under several books. He take it and read the title of the comic.

"Horror story collection" Seungmin open the comic and start reading it alone. 

•-----[ Turn Into Kids?! ]----•

"One two three two One Yes! That's it! Woahh you two are so good!" Minho said when little hyunjin and felix can follow the dance step that he just create.

Even for now hyunjin and felix still two kids , but they're really good in dancing. They can easily remember the steps that he teach them before and their move is good for kids. Minho gives both of them a thumb up.

"Yeayy!" Felix cheer when minho gives them a thumb up.

"Hyung! Jinnie still want to dance" Hyunjin said he feels really happy when he dance. And he really like it when minho teach them how to dance.

"Really? Are you not tired yet?" Minho asked.

They have been dancing for several minutes at the living room. But seems like hyunjin and felix really energetic and still didn't feel tired when it comes to dance.

"NO!" Both hyunjin and felix reply. They're still want to dance.

"Haha okay okay" Minho said while chuckle seeing the kids being excited.

He know that they must be really bored here , because Minho is bored too. That's why he decide to play dance with them today. Even just some random dance but seeing them being happy already makes him glad.

"Okay let's dance again. Follow me okay?" Minho said.

"Okay hyung" Hyunjin and felix reply.

Minho smile. A moment later the living room already become the place where they're dance randomly while laughing with each other. Being the oldest there , minho really looks like their brother who teach his two little brothers how to dance.

•----[ Turn Into Kids ]----•

Meanwhile at the 3racha's room , jisung just rolling on his bed. He feels really bored but he feels really lazy too. He want to join hyunjin and felix dancing with minho at the living room but he is too lazy to get up from his bed.

He also want to join seungmin drawing but he didn't know what to draw. So he come back to his room and lay lazily on his bed. But a moment later he decide to get up and look at Chan and Changbin who are busy with their own work.

He can see that changbin and chan are writing something on their own paper. Being the curious kid , jisung approach them and see when are they writing about. But he didn't understand what are they doing. He just know that they're writing but he didn't know what are they're writing about.

"Hyung what is this?" Jisung asked.

Chan who is really focused before startle a bit when suddenly jisung asked them. He chuckled when he sees jisung's curios face. Chan rub jisung's hair and smile.

"We just writing some lyrics sungie" chan said which changbin nodded.

"Ahh so hyung can create a song?! Woahh" Jisung said , astonished at chan and changbin's talent.

"Hehe yes sungie" Changbin reply.

"Sungie want to write too! Sungie want to be like channie hyung and binnie hyung too!" Jisung said excitedly. He didn't know why he suddenly become so excited but all he know is writing lyrics seems so fun and he want to try it too.

"Well he is good on it before maybe we just give him a try" chan said and take a piece of paper and a pen. He give it to jisung and jisung accept it gladly.

"Yeay sungie will write a good song!" Jisung said and move to the floor.

He lay on the floor while thinking what should he write about. He want to make a song too so he need to think and come up with a good idea.

"Are you sure he can do it?" Changbin asked to chan. He look at jisung who is laying on the floor right now. He can see jisung is really excited to create his own lyrics.

"I don't know. I just give him a try. Who know maybe he can come up with a good idea." chan said while giggle.


Sorry for late update π~π. I just recover after almost a week sick. But now i'm okay^^

Thanks for those who still waiting for this story. I really appreciate it ❤️💙❤️💙

sorry if there's too many wrong grammar and sorry if this chapter is bored. But i hope y'all enjoy reading this chapter.

Thanks for reading! Bye😊

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