Ten: The Lips That Dare

Start from the beginning

Oh what do you know?

I shouldn't. I shouldn't want this, and especially not from him. I meet with Stefy by the door planning on walking out with her and to our next class together. But a certain someone stops us.

"Ms. Jenkins, will you come here for a second, please?" Mr. Williams takes both of us by surprise by asking. I eye him suspiciously and then Stefy, but she just gives me a slight shoulder shrug before walking over to his desk. "You can go, Ms. Parks," he directs me without actually acknowledging my presence. I furrow my eyebrows slightly at him, but decide not to say anything and instead just leave.


"What did Mr. Williams want?" I ask Stefy as we lay on my bed after school. She kicks her feet up into the air as she lays on her back and scrolls through Instagram on her phone.

She shrugs her shoulders, completely avoiding my question.

"You don't know?" I throw out another question to her. This time, she doesn't respond to me at all in any way.


"Hey, are you listening to me?" I now angrily snap as I snatch her phone out of her hands so she'll pay attention.

"Hey!" She scolds as she sits up and glares at me. I arch an eyebrow in her direction and she rolls her eyes.

"It was nothing," she finally answers before snatching her phone right back. "Why do you care so much anyways. Jealous he's giving another student more attention now?"

I look at her with a shocked and confused expression.

You've been caught red handed.

"W-What," I stumble out. "No, no way. I was just curious."

Oh, I think you were more than just curious...

"Right," Stefy says as she eyes me. "I promise you it was nothing. Now can we drop this?"

I don't believe her. Not one bit. But then again, it's none of my business. They were probably just talking about school work or something. So with that...I drop it.


- Friday (week 2) -

2 days. It's been two days since the last time I talked to him. Sure, I've seen him in class and in detention. But otherwise—we haven't communicated in anyway.

Not that I want to.

Or need to.

I'm just bothered by it because it seems weird that he hasn't tried anything considering the circumstances of our last conversation. I feel it makes it worse—the fact that he hasn't said or tried anything. It's as if he waiting for just the right moment.

And that thought terrifies me for some reason.

Maybe I should just ask him?

No. No that's a terrible idea. I shouldn't even be talking to him and especially not in that kind of way. Our relationship is strictly professional. You can't even call it a relationship of sorts. Just a teacher and his student.

Just a teacher and his student

Just a teacher and his—

I grab my keys off my nightstand and head off for Temptations.

Well we knew you were gonna do it...


I remember Brooke telling me that Alex—I mean Mr. Williams only comes to the bar on weekends. And considering that it's a Friday night, he should be here.

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