Chapter 5

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Tune of Crusoe...

Before meeting my other music band friends I had to visit our shrine; it's ancient shrine of our Hopi tribe, extremely curved with woods, situated amid lush green cinnamon forest and certainly near our locality. I love to come here very often.

The deity Kokopelli is a flutist, emblem of renewals, starting of new life, fertility and music. If I excel in flute it's nothing but his blessings. I carefully gave oblations of thymes and scented wood pieces. It's our ritual to give a little to god and he'll return your favor. I stared the kept woods pieces, herbs,thymes, cloves, lavender oil,honey,everything made a solemnity, celestial environment. 

'Hi Crusoe', Alex greeted me when I reached his house. It's the place where we practise usually.

'Hi Alec! was I last one to arrive?', I asked smilingly.

'No man! our drummer is yet to come', he replied.

'What ! Pedro is the first person to knock you everyday', I am just surprised.

'Yeah, let's see,when he arrives'.

'Hey everyone !! I'm here', Pedro's sudden voice made Alex jump.

'Oh,our drummer is already here', Nisha exclaimed.She is the only girl member of our band.

By the bye we started practicing our selected songs for programme, and at first my favourite one was sung,

I will be rain, if you drench,

I will be poet, if you listen,

I will get lost, if you search,

I will be moon, if you watch,

and really,

I will be your friend if you understand !!!!

Throughout the song, I played background flute in a cool deep humming tone to make the song more intense. I also have a solo song to play, Pedro ,our drummer will accompany me then; actually it's creation of natural sound.

'Your tune is matured enough to make people groove', Alex smirked at me.

'Oh Alex stop it, I know I've to improve', I frowned.

'You know what? you will kill girls with those frowns', Pedro pinched and I squirmed inside; girls are not my thing. 

My grandma says, flutes must be so intense that it can make you emotional, enthusiastic, erratic at the same time. A flute is supposed to play with life using it's holes thoroughly. Truly, Flute is like life,it may have holes,but holes should be properly used to make life a symphony.

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