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~Katie's POV~
My eyes fluttered open. I looked around to see a window. It was night for sure. I looked over to see that there was a figure in a chair in the corner of the room. I looked down to see Ricky, asleep.

"Ricky..." I said.

He lifted his head and smiled.

"KATIE!" He said.

He had tear stained cheeks.

"Why?" He asked as more tears poured down his pale face.

"Because... The whole gym was chanting 'Kill-your-self!' And then Maddie leaned over and said 'Why don't do us all a favor, emo, and kill yourself tonight.' So I ran out!" I was yelling by the end.

Ricky just started crying more.

"Miss Katie?" A lady said walking in.

"We need to talk to Mr. Richard." She said.

He walked out and started talking to her in the hall. I sat there waiting and waiting.

Finally he came back in.

"Katie. You can't cut anymore. They threatened to put you in the looney bin! I talked them out of it but they said next time, there's no way around it! I'm not allowed to leave your side." Ricky said with wide eyes.

"You may leave." The lady said.


Once I got home, I sat down on the bed and sighed. I grabbed my earbuds and started Universe by Ghost Town. I laid there thinking.


My eyes opened and Hate by Get Scared was playing. That was at the end of my playlist. I must have fallen asleep. I took the earbuds out just as Ricky walked in.

"Oh! You're awake!" He said with a smile.

He sat next to me and I hugged him.

"What's this for?" He asked hugging back tighter.

"Everything you've done for me, Ricky. You mean the world to me." I whispered to him.

"You'll never understand my love for you, Katie. Never." He whispered back.

With that he pulled away and smiled.

"So... I'm gonna take a shower." I said.

"Oooooo! Can I watch?" Ricky asked then laughed.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed my PJ's, and went in the bathroom.


After I got out, I saw I had a text-

Unknown: Hey. Dead yet?

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: Idk. Who IS it?

Unknown: Die.

Unknown: I want to throw you in a pool with a straight jacket on and watch you suffer, slut.

Unknown: Ttyl, ugly.😉

I just blew it off. Then I went downstairs to Alice and Chris making out. They've been doing that a lot lately.

"May I ask why?" I asked Ryan as he walked by.

"They had sex for the first time the night before your Prom. That's all they do now." Ryan said rolling his eyes.

I giggled. Wow they were making out hard core. I saw her tongue. He was like choking her with his free hand.

'Did she just.. Moan?! I wonder if-'

"KATIE? HELLO?" Ghost asked snapping in my face.

"Sorry." I said walking into the kitchen to see Ricky, eating grapes.

"I WANT SOME!" I said taking a few.

"I love grapes!" I said.

"Me too! Not as much as I love you though. OH MY GOD! Grape.
G- Gorgeous
R- Ravishing
A- Amazing
P- Pretty
E- Excellent
So you!!" Ricky said.

I laughed uncontrollably. 

He laughed and kissed my cheek. I jumped up on the counter and ate my grapes.

"Hey Katie. YOU CAN'T SPELL GRAPE WITHOUT RAPE!" Ricky said opening my legs and humping me.

"RICKYYYY!" I said laughing and pushing him away.

"What?" He asked and started kissing my neck.

A moan fell right out of my mouth.

"HEY SLUTS WE EAT IN HERE!" Chris said walking into the kitchen holding Alice's hand.

'Got laid yet?' Alice mouthed to me.

'Nope. You?' I mouthed.

'Yes and I LOVED IT!' She mouthed back.

We both laughed.

"So Katie. Let's go." Ricky said and pulled me out the door, into the car, and drove away.

"What the hell?" I asked.

He just smirked.

What the fuck is he doing?!?


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