Why Me?

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After a long ass day at school, I went home and started texting Ricky.

Me: Hey...

Him: Hey! :) something wrong Katie?

Me: I just...

Him: Just what?

Me: I can't quit over thinking things.

Him: Do you mean what happened yesterday?

Me: Yeah...

Him: Katie, you have a boyfriend. Oh, now Chris suspects we have something going on!

Me: Really? Why?

Him: Because of how long it took me to get home last night.

Me: Shit! What are we going to do?

Him: Well... We could act like we hate each other...

Me: no

Him: What other option do we have Katie?

Me: No

Him: But there's nothing else to do

Me: NO!

Him: fine.

Me: What's Chris's number?

Him: it's 123456789 (I just put a fake number.)

Me: okay. Thanks.

Ricky: yep. But I have to go. Bye. :)

Me: bye :)

Me: Hey Chris it's Katie

Chris: oh hey.

Me: so, me and Ricky kissed last night...

Chris: I KNEW IT!

Me: I have a boyfriend...

Chris: Oh shit...

Me: Yeah. We are going to act like it never happened though. Promise you won't say anything to anyone if I tell you something?

Chris: Promise.

Me: When we kissed it felt so... right.

Chris: Maybe you should talk to HIM about that, dude.

Me: you're right but I can't. He probably doesn't like me like that.

Chris: I don't know. I guess we'll never know unless you talk to him. :/

Me: Dammit, you're fucking right again.

Chris: I know. Lol :D

Me: Okay, G2G bye

Chris: bye loser. :P

He is right though. FUCK!! I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. And he might like me like that because he did ask me out. It just felt so right when we kissed. There was sparks! Shit, I'm hungry. So I'll order pizza. "Pizza Hut, Hello how may we help you?" A lady asked. "I need a large cheese pizza to 1234 avenue. Thanks." I said. "Okay 1 large pizza, on its way." She said. I hung up and tossed my phone off to the side and started watching spongebob.

About 30 minutes later, the pizza showed up and I devoured it! XD I was starving! Then I got a text.

J: Hey can you come over?

Me: Sure.

J: See you in a bit! :)

Me: K.

Once I got to J's, we sat on the couch and started watching the movie Seven. Then, about half way through, he put his hand on my lower thigh. Then slowly moved it to my inner thigh. I'm wearing black skinny jeans like ways, my converse, and a plain black shirt. He grabbed the hem of my shirt and tried pulling it off. "WHOA! I don't really want to do this, J." I said. "Come on." He said. "Dude, no." I said pushing his hand away. Then he pushed me down and pinned my wrists to the couch. "J stop!!" I yelled. He then stripped me down to nothing. He cupped my breast and squeezed really hard. It hurt like hell! "Ow!" I screamed. "You know you like it." He sharply said. "No I fucking don't! Get off you ass hole!" I yelled pushing him off. I was almost to the door when he grabbed me, flipped me over, and shoved 2 fingers in me. "AHHHH!" I screamed and punched him the face. I ran out of his house naked. I ran and ran until I found myself running to Ricky and the guys. I didn't stop, I just ran. I got to the door, knocked quickly, and covered myself with my hands. "Katie? HOLY SHIT!" Chris said when he answered the door. "C-can I have l-like a blanket or s-something?" I asked as I stood in the cold. "Yeah yeah, come on in. Fuck Katie." He said as I walked in. Of course, all of the guys where in the living room. "Here, take this until I go upstairs to get you some clothes. Ricky, since your the smallest, can it be some of your clothes?" Chris asked handing me a blanket. "Yeah sure." Ricky said standing. "What happened?" Chris asked as he handed me black pajama pants an a black shirt. "I'm sorry, no underwear." Chris added. "It's fine." I said. Then I explained what happened with J. "Holy Shit! You basically got rapped by a hand!" Chris said making me laugh. "Um, where's the bathroom? I need to put these clothes on." I said. "Down the hall, 2nd door on the left." Ryan said. "Thanks." I said.

I put the clothes on and they where still a little baggy but I love when clothes are baggy. These smell like Ricky! I only know how he smells because when he walked past me in the store, the breeze of him walking by blew his sent towards me.

When I got back down the hall, they all looked at me. "Better?" Balz asked. "Yeah. Thanks." I said. "No problem." Ricky said then smiled. That smile.... Oh my god! He then stood up and went upstairs. "So Katie, you don't have a boyfriend anymore obviously! Will you go out with me?" Vinny asked. "Uh... No. I just got out of that so... Maybe in the future...." I said. I really don't like him like that so there is no future. "Do you think I could just move in tomorrow?" I asked. "Sure." Chris said. "Katie, uh.... Here." Ricky said coming downstairs. He handed me a little purple box about the size of both my hands combine. "What's this?" I asked. "Just open it." Ricky said. I opened it slowly. It's..... A MOTIONLESS IN WHITE CD!! "OH MY GOD!! THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" I said jumping into Ricky's arms and hugging him. He squeezed me back in a hug. Man... That felt amazing. Holy shit... He gives good hugs!! Not thinking, when he put me down I kissed him. Fuck. Me. I pulled away. "Uh..... Bye." I said then ran upstairs and locked myself in the first room I saw. I sat on the floor and cried. Then, there was a knock. "Katie? It's Ricky. We should talk." Ricky said. "....okay." I said and got up to let him in. "Listen... That's the 2nd time we've kissed in less than 24 hours. We should probably avoid each other." He said wiping a tear off my face. "You're right. Just if we see the other one, we should go in another direction." I said standing. "By the way, this is my room." Ricky said. "Shit, we're already off to a bad start." I said laughing. "Your room is right next to mine though. Sorry." Ricky said. "It's fine. I'm tired and I'm going to go to bed. Night." I said and left. I went in the next room and fell on the bed. Fuuuuck! I like Ricky but by now and the way I'm acting, he probably doesn't want to go out anymore. I'll get a boyfriend to get my mind off him! Yeah! Then I dozed off.


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