The Day

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~The Wedding Day~

I woke up, taking a deep breathe. It's today. Today is the day I marry the one I love with my entire heart. The person that keeps me alive. The person that is my gravity. The person that has my heart under lock and key. The one that I can't look at without blushing. The person that saved me. The person that gives me a reason. And that is Mr. Richard Allen Olson the Third. I sat up and smiled, thinking of him. I got up and heard footsteps. I looked at the door to see Alice.

"I'm here for hair and make up." She said smiling.

I laughed and went to my closet to get my dress. I opened the door and smiled brightly. My dress is all black and really long!! (Picture) I went ahead and put on black heels and Alice did my make up, then we headed to the little dressing room that's behind where we are getting married. We're getting married in this dark ball room. It's so cool!

Once we got there, Alice did my hair and then I put the dress on. They all squealed at me, making me laugh. They all wished we good luck and told me that I had to go. We all went outside the doors and I took a deep breath. I can't believe I'm marrying Ricky Olson. The doors open and I look up and Ricky. His mouth drops and everybody can't take their eyes off me. I smile and push a piece of hair behind my ear. Chris walked up and enter locked elbows with me.

"I got you, Katie." He said winking at me.

I smiled as he walked me down the aisle to Ricky. He had of a tux, of course, and had his long black hair straightened. He had on nice shoes and smelled like home, like always. 

"You look... Amazing." Ricky said when I got to him.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I whispered.

He smiled. The guy said all that shit you say and then he got to the vows. We wrote our own.

"Ricky. You're the whole reason I breathe and live. I try for you and you've done more for me than you'll ever even realize. I hope you stay forever. I can't ever lose you, babe. You're my one and only." I  said.

"Katie. My beautiful, beautiful bride. Oh how I cherish you. You coming into my life saved me more than you'll ever know. Your entire existence is what keeps me sane and I don't know what I'd do without you, baby. You're my gravity and my rock. When I'm mad, all you have to do is smile or blush or just be there, and I'm happy. I can't ever, and I mean ever, live without you. I love you baby."

Tears were forming and they soon ran down my face.

"You may kiss the bride." He said.

Ricky pulled me close and smashed his lips to mine.

I kissed back and we smiled into the kiss, breaking it.

"Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olson, everyone!" They guy yelled.

People cheered and clapped as we ran down the aisle and got in a limo. We headed to our reception.

"Gonna go change, even though you look magnificent?" Ricky asked, pulling me to him as the limo pulled away.

"Yep." I said kissing him.

I ran in the back and put on a different dress (Smaller dress picture). I came back and sighed. Ricky's vows were just so... Wow.

"Hey baby. Let's go, Mrs. Olson." Ricky said smiling at me.

I giggled at him, and he grabbed my hand. We walked through the doors and sat at the table we are suppose to sit at. Ricky's parents sat down in the front, smiling at us. I looked at my table and saw my oldest cousin, Dave. I ended up letting Jack be a bridesmaid, and let me tell you, he loved it. He cried too. I love him. But Dave was the only person at the table. Ricky's family lined up! His sister, mom, dad, uncles, aunts, grandma's, grandpa's, cousins, DOGS! Okay no dogs, but there was a lot of people there. Plus the whole band who sat in the middle of the fucking aisle on the floor because they "are here for the both of us." They are such idiots, I swear. But I love them like brothers. It was speech time. The best man, or Chris, got up on stage.

"Listen Rick. I remember when you first joined the band, playing bass. You always complained about how you wanted to play guitar instead, and it was funny as fuck. Haha. I remember you telling me that you'd never settle down, and that not one person could ever change that. You said that you just wanted fucking, and that's it. You told me one night the reason for that was because you didn't want to get hurt again. Well Katie, you changed him. And I'm glad. Katie has made Rick so happy it's unreal. I've never ever seen him that happy with anyone, and I mean that. You guys just make each other better. And Katie. I haven't known you for as long as Rick, but man do am I glad I met you. You're an amazing person and Rick needed you in his life. You make him the best Rick he can be. And I thank you for that. Katie has made Rick so happy. She is all he talk about. I didn't think anyone could love quite that much. I know you'll love will never fade. I love you both!" Chris said to us, then walked over and hugged us.

"Thanks man. It means a lot." Ricky said.

"It's true." Ricky said as we sat back down.

I looked at him, confused.

"You do make me happier." He said and kissed me.

I really love that man to pieces.

"Alright Chris, thanks for fucking akin me look like an idiot. I'll try my best to make my speech that good. Asshole. Anyway... Katie and me have become best friends over time. We tell each other everything and we talk about Ricky and Chris. But through it all, I love when Katie talks about Ricky. Her eyes light up, and her cheeks turn dark red. Her and him are just perfect. They have their fights, and mishaps, but they still hold on. They can't part for more than a day without falling apart. And I think that proves how truly amazing they are together. They both deserve each other because they're both caring, nice, loving, fucking funny, weird, bitchy, amazing people! Haha! I love you both!" Alice said to us, hugging us after.

Me and Ricky decided it was time to cut the cake. We walked over and put our hands on the knife, waiting for everybody to gather around. Once everybody walked over, we sliced it and Ricky leaned in to kiss me. Our lips touched and then we lifted the cake. We both smashed it in each others faces. Everybody laughed and I kicked Ricky in the nuts. He grunted and hunched over.

"You little ho." He said, his voice a tad higher than normal.

I laughed until he smacked my vagina, making me hunch over. He laughed and kissed my cheek, getting more cake on me.

"Man I love you." He said looking into my eyes.

We kissed and decided to clean up. I wiped off the cake on him and he licked my face. We laughed and headed to the dance floor.

"Okay, this song is for our lovely couple of the evening. Katie and Ricky, this song is to you two." Chris said, playing Beautiful Day by Saving Abel.

Ricky placed his hands on my waist and I rested my arms on his shoulders. We leaned our foreheads together, and swayed to the music. Ricky kept mouthing the words, me smiling. We didn't talk, just held each other. He brought me closer, against his body still dancing with me lovingly. When the song came to an end, he smiled at me.

"Always, my reason. I will love you always." He said.

I felt my cheeks heat up quickly and he chuckled.

"I will love you always too, my love. Always." I said, fighting back happy tears.

He kissed my head and everybody joined in for the next song. It was Shadows by Breathe Carolina. We all danced around, happy was could be.

"How'd you get me up against the wall?" I sang, jumping around.

"RUN MY FINGERS THROUGH YOUR HAIR!" I screamed, smiling at my husband.

This has been the best night of my life. I honestly can't believe this is even happening. He's mine, and only mine. <3

///Hey Guys and Gals! I hope you liked this!! It was fun writing it. I love you all! Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang! ~Horror Girl\\\

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